Just got a message from one of my JW friends ::roll my eyes::

by Free!! 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Free!!

    I had a friend in the borg that i love and miss (the only one i miss for real) she got married and because she begged me to atttend her wedding i showed up after a loooong time at the KH (that was october 2010, never went back! just for her i went that one time!)

    Well, even though i faded and have almost zero communication w the JWs every once in a while we exchage emails, typicall "i miss you" "take care" and "how's your life" kind of stuff.. she is respectful of my decision and never asks to many questions, but i make sure i always let her know i am ok and happy... so, this past weekend i emailed her just to say hello, i check my email today and have this....

    "I think about you all the time too Free!!. I worry about you too much! You mean a lot to me and knowing how your life is going worries me."

    A one liner!!!! seriously!! and why do they assume that because i am not going to the KH my life is something to worry about??? WTH?? i love her to death but just that one line seems too judgemental!! My life could not be better...

    Anybody else has experiences like this??? them giving you the pity look and saying "aww i'm so worry about the way your life is going" when NOTHING bad has happened?

  • No Room For George
    No Room For George

    Crazy how a person's life is going swell, and that gets interpreted as something to be worried about.

  • DesirousOfChange

    I'd would answer and thank her for her unconditional love and concern, and assure her that there is nothing to worry about -- everything is going well and share some recent highlights of your life. New job. Raise. Travel experience. Whatever is that has been good in your life recently. DO NOT be negative. DO NOT bring up the religion issue. JMHO.

  • LostGeneration

    It is becuase of the conditioning they receive week in and week out from the WT. Remember they are constantly being told that everyone who leaves becomes a drug-abusing, puppy killing psychopath.

    Simply keep saying "Life is great, never been better" over and over. Maybe they will get the message someday!

  • Jim_TX

    I understand.

    I guess a 'one line' reply like, "I worry about how your life is going, too." would be out of the question.

    Then when they reply that their life is going grand! and there is nothing to worry about, perhaps your reply could be another one liner, "Ditto."


    Jim TX

  • Free!!

    This was my reply:

    Do not worry about me… there is nothing going bad with my life, I can assure you of that… I have not cried or being depress in a long time… I just bought a house, I am doing well at work, and traveling and I have my babies (my dogs).

    I still have morals and respect myself , the Bible taught me to be honest to myself, and not he a hypocrite, I do not believe in faking my desire to be in the congregation…. For now, even thought I miss you and some of my friends, I am happy taking this time for myself and taking the pressures off my shoulders… again I love you very much… I do not expect you to understand or agree with my decision, but I expect you to respect it….. and I am pretty sure you will… take care, and remember I am always here to listen… never to judge.. love you!!

  • Nobleheart

    Great reply Free!!

    and Welcome here! I'm really glad your life is looking good outside the org.

  • fade_away

    Free!! I think I know you. Lol! ;) Anyway, yeah it's true people assume your life is in the gutter when you're out. My mom always asks me "Is everything okay?" and "No problems?" I always say "Nope!! Everything is better than ever!"

  • sir82

    For a JW, it is necessary that other peoples' lives must be miserable.

    Most JWs are miserable most of the time, but the consolation for them is always "Well, my life sucks, but at least I have the truth! Those poor suckers in the world have sucky lives too, and they don't even have the truth!"

    The news that someone not in "the truth" is far happier, far more well adjusted, far more satisfied and fulfilled, would rock their world, would shake them to their core.

    So they tell themselves the above line, and it often spills over into communications with "worldly" folks like you.

  • fade_away

    Ok, now I KNOW I know you! Welcome to the board cuz!!

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