Simon... why dont you turn this forum into a religion? Lol!

by TimothyT 22 Replies latest forum announcements

  • unshackled

    sizemik...never say anything negative, not even slightly, about The Forumâ„¢.

    Simon and the High Priestess would like a word with you in the library.

  • NewChapter

    Sizemik--I'm picking up on some apostate reasoning there and it's making me uncomfortable. Do you need a visit to encourage you?

  • Berengaria

    Simon and the High Priestess would like a word with you in the library.


  • snowbird

    I likes this place.


  • snowbird

    Since the root word for religion means "to bind," in a sense, this forum is a religion.

    Our ties - current or former - with the WT are what bind us together here.

    No need to duck, Size. Your astute observations are right on target.


  • TimothyT

    Haha... unshackled! Lol! Yes... sizemilk needs to be taken into a small room infornt of 3 officals and told that if he doesnt repent he will be excommunicated from this religion. Lol!

    Thats funny!

    Good points too... it is kind of a religion! It has been a catalyst to bring me closer to God and in finding out who I am... thats generaly what religions do. :D

    By the way, i want to be the high priest!

    I suppose simon could be a prophet or something? Lol!

    Timmy xxx

  • sizemik

    **from the library**

    Hey . . . religions and cults only become problematic when there's too much control.

    There's no such threat here . . . you guys are totally out of control.

    So am I . . . so no sin has been committed.

    **leaves library**

  • WTWizard

    I agree that this forum is already a form of religion--just not a very tightly controlled one. It gives people a forum to debate the existence of God, discuss the Bible, tear apart the Bible and Christian principles, tear apart the Washtowel's claim to be Christian, and even debate other holy writings as they so choose like the Quran. You see Christians, atheists, God-haters, Muslims, agnostics, and people of other religions mixing with those who are active witlesses but are doubting. And even a few that are still active and actual believers in the religion.

    And, as such, I have actually learned more about the Bible from this forum than I have from any church. Even regular church isn't as thorough and objective at discussing the Bible or parts thereof as people on this forum. What church, for instance, dares criticize what Tyrant David did as anything but a shining example of faith and righteousness? What church tolerates insinuating that Jesus did exactly the same work as Satan, which I have seen a few other posts suggesting this besides that I believe it myself? And, you see more objective discussion on the Bible here than you would ever find at any Kingdumb Hell.

  • SparrowAmongMany

    Can someone tell me how to delete my account???

    i've been searching for ways to contact admin but cant fine them.


  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    You can't delete your account. You're an apostate now. You may want to meet with your elders and confess.

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