I'm curious as to why this is a national topic for a Service Meeting part? Has anyone any thoughts on this?
June Service Meeting part: Marriage, separation and divorce
by Quarterback 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Is it a national topic or a local needs for your hall? If it is a national topic for the service meeting,then it must be a huge problem.
It is on the Canadian KM program this week, To be given as a talk by an Elder. Is this on the same KM that is being used in the USA?
My own opinion but, the rules are changing, religio/socially, regarding marriage compared to thirty years ago. Information that is available via books and articles and internet so readily today, has become looked at more seriously by even the Witnesses. Back then, it was dismissed as "pop" psychology or "the order of the day" but people are becoming aware of things like personality disorders, sexual incompatibility, and abusive personalities especially in men who grew up supported by the "theocratic" order of things pertaining to women. Talking to a therapist is now sought after and accepted, so people in the organization are realizing that maybe there is a serious problem with their marriage on a human, real, level and now they are going for the change rather than waiting on Jehovah or suffering in silence.
In the last ten years, I've seen about a half dozen or so marriages "in the truth" split up and it was almost always the girl who left first. I think due to problems ignored too long and there you go, they've had enough.
If this has happened around me say, in my circuit, which is a generally conservative one in eastern PA, USA, I can only imagine what the ripple effect is throughout the US or world?
Yes,I checked and it's in the U.S KM too. It just proves they think divorce has become is a big problem in the congregations.
It is a problem in our congregation, about 9 couples affected. Some Elders were also part of the blame and had to be deleted. Their wifes really look sad. They were tricked into thinking that marrying an Elder would be the best husbands.
Divorce was sooooo common in my old hall, we barely batted an eye anymore. It was just a given. Even brand new marriages broke up quickly.
the material is from the Organized book pp 194,195 from the section for questions for baptism.
the subjects dealt with are
1. What is the christian standard for marriage?
2. What is the only Scriptural basis for divorce that frees one to remarry?
3. What does the Bible say about married people separating from each other?
Quarterback you have 2 (two) messages
Hmmm...just a crazy thought here. Maybe it wouldn't be best to railroad people onto a 6-month courtship that is expected to end in marriage. Maybe it'd be best to have some healthier, fresh ideas when it comes to marriage.
NAAAAH. Let's just keep doing what we're doing and hope it gets better.