Whatever it is you all are up to, I wish you luck!! Let us know how it turns out afterward. I haven't gone to a convention, or meeting, in years and I don't plan on it ever again!
Undercover Brother Campaign- have you received your invite?
by stuckinamovement 142 Replies latest jw friends
Anony Mous
In concert with this campaign, a (somewhat more direct) campaign all of us can participate in. See my last post on:
If you got the invite or want to participate in the other campaign and are active on other forums, you could pass the information across websites. If we can get a snowball effect going, that would be great.
Broken Promises
If the elders get wind of this, will it be something they could prevent?
My thoughts are, what would prevent someone who posts here, pretending to be an exJW, but is actually an elder/spy for their congregation/WTS? They could ask to participate, in order to get information on what's going on?
Anony Mous
The only 'prevention' the elders are authorized to do is flap their lips from the stage, they have no more authority over you than you give them. But then again, publicly stating the problem they're having may just invoke the curiousness of others.
There is always a risk of spies but I doubt there are 'official', authorized spies since they would have to be exposed to the truth (hah!) which is the exact problem they're having with these forums.
The main problem unofficial WT collaborators will have is qualifying their statements. A simple: Well brother, since you know so much, where did YOU get that information? will either result in them being reprimanded for visiting these websites or they'll have to backpedal to cover their behinds. It's Mutually Assured Destruction.
I am faded ( as well as jaded) but could someone P.M me the details please ?
I have contact with a trusted friend who would be up for this by the sound of it.
wobble . . . you have a PM
Anony Mouse . . . agreed . . . it's an erosion of power . . . and they can do little
Thanks Sizemik !!!
Sounds great to me ! it almost makes me want to attend to see it at work !
I will pass on the info. , but only to ones that I am 110% sure of.
This sounds great! I almost want to attend ... almost.
I'll be splitting it beteen two diff conv. One to maintain the slow fade. One to help elderly parents.