Why are Pantsuits not appropriate according to The Watchtower?

by VM44 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • rebel8

    The difference between skirts and pants is simply the fabric between the legs. They have some hangup about it.

    Maybe it's this gem from the Youth book (pg. 42), re avoiding the sin of masturbation:

  • rebel8

    Or maybe it's a gender roles thing. They used to always quote the bible about women not having short hair, and added some folklore of their own:

    "The bobbed hair craze is sure to lead to baldness, sooner or later." (Golden Age, November 19, 1924, p.100)

  • blondie

    Pan Am found that women employees traveling on the airline could wear pantsuits and the WTS did not argue.

    *** w78 8/1 p. 29 Insight on the News ***Attire Does Matter

    In its periodical “Clipper 78,” Pan American World Airways recently introduced a new travel dress code for employees and guests traveling on the airline free or at reduced rates. For instance, in the Economy Class, men are expected to wear either a suit or a coordinated sport coat and trousers. A casual or dress shirt with an open collar is considered acceptable. Women are to wear either a dress, a suit, a skirt, a pantsuit or slacks “with well-coordinated dress, blouse or sweater.”

    It was pointed out that unacceptable dress for male employees or guests “includes collarless shirts, tank or T-shirts, sweatshirts, casual jeans, bare feet and sandals without socks.” In the case of women, “shorts, casual jeans, casual shirts, T-shirt and tank tops are not considered acceptable, nor are short shirts (bare midriff), short skirts, bare feet, sandals without hosiery nor hair in curlers.” Children under 16 years of age are to be “well-groomed and well dressed in clothing suitable for travel.” The airline’s Personnel Department had discussed matters with numerous employees and various departments before introducing the system-wide code.

    Of course, travelers in general are not bound by such a dress code. However, they may well realize that attire does matter. The airline clearly feels that dress and grooming that are appropriate to the occasion do make a difference. Although the Bible does not itemize articles of clothing that are to be worn by Christian men, women and children under varying circumstances, godly persons know that their attire does matter. Christian women are urged to “adorn themselves in well-arranged dress, with modesty and soundness of mind.”—1 Tim. 2:9, 10.

    *** w75 8/15 p. 500 pars. 7-8 Do Not Let Yourself Be Ensnared by Fads and Entertainment ***Jehovah’s Christian witnesses are servants of Jehovah, the great Sovereign of the universe, and this realization should definitely govern how we dress. What do people in a particular area expect of God’s servants? Styles differ around the world and thus it does not rest upon the governing body of Jehovah’s witnesses to determine what specific styles are appropriate or modest for each country or community. If there is serious question about a particular style, then it would be better not to wear it. Better to be viewed as a little out of fashion than as immodest or proud or unkempt.

    If slacks or pantsuits for women are frowned upon by many in the community, likely some different style of apparel for public dress would be advisable for a Christian sister. During cold weather she likely could arrange to be exposed to the weather for shorter periods of time, or pause more frequently to warm herself. But in frigid climates, where everyone in the community wears clothing appropriate to the weather, such as slacks, surely it is proper for Christian women to do the same. In some places, pioneers have been aided thus to maintain robust health for putting in long hours in service. If a Christian sister is unsure about a particular style, she can discuss the situation with her husband or an elder in the Christian congregation. The elders should not seek to impose their own preferences on others, but likely are in position to offer advice on what might be acceptable in their respective communities. Children should be obedient to their parents in the matters of dress and grooming.




    The pantsuit was introduced in the 1920s, when a small number of women adopted a masculine style, including pantsuits, hats , and even canes and monocles .

    André Courrèges introduced long trousers for women as a fashion item in the late 1960s, and over the next 40 years pantsuits gradually became acceptable business wear for women. In 1966, designer Yves Saint-Laurent introduced his Le Smoking , an evening pantsuit for women that mimicked a man's tuxedo . [1]

    Pantsuits were often deprecated as inappropriately masculine clothing for women. For example, until the 1990s, women were not permitted to wear pantsuits in the United States Senate . [2]


    Proponents name several advantages, including comfort and reducing the need for pantyhose . The most prominent advantage cited, however, is modesty : a woman wearing a pantsuit cannot be a victim of upskirt photography or accidentally expose herself by leaning over or sitting awkwardly.

    Prominent adopters

  • OnTheWayOut

    Besides the fact that a bunch of old men make the rules and these old men are living in the past where proper attire for the lady was a skirt or dress, with the pants only being for scrubbing the bathroom or the dog down in the privacy of her husband's home, the real reason is simple.

    The WTS is a dangerous mind-control cult. They want to stand out as it helps them control people. JW's that see a lady in their Kingdom Hall in pants or going to church in her pants, well..... they can just be shocked that such flippant attitudes exist. Same with beards.

    Even my mother, who is not a fan of wearing skirts at all ever, follows the rules when engaged in WT stuff and talks about 'sisters' who wore pants in service in the winter. Oh, it's allowed, but they are supposed to hide them under a long coat.

  • WontLeave

    Like most sexually-repressed cultures, JWs are obsessed with sex. They're all like 15-year-old boys, in that it's all they think about, but their whole life they've been told not to do it and that it's dirty. So, the elders want unnecessary details and pictures of sisters' sexual misdeeds. Yes, I said "pictures", as my wife knows a sister who the elders wanted pictures when she went to them.

    Perhaps, in their sexually-obsessed minds, they imagine if all the women are in skirts, couples will be hiking them up and grabbing quickies in every closet and elevator, for their cameras at Bethel to capture. Or maybe they're just looking for an opportunity to loop up the skirts at meetings and in service. Any woman knows, no matter how "modest" the skirt, spend enough time in it in any kind of activity (sitting and standing, stairs, getting in and out of cars, etc.) and someone's getting flashed.

    At least, because of the weight and stiffness of the fabric, denim skirts don't have this problem to much of a degree. Oh, that's right; no denim skirts. They're harder to pull up for some quick action, too. It makes me wonder if, behind the closed doors of the GB meetings, they actually bring these points up or if they just instinctively are all on the same page.

  • recovering

    I'm surprised they don't dictate what kind of underwear should be warn while on tour.

    The scarey thing is they do. Women are not supposed to wear thong underwear

  • tec

    It is all about cleaning the outside of the cup. Why would God care what you wear? Its what's on the inside counts. Its what's on the inside that He sees.

    Now if someone believes that certain kinds of clothing shows respect to God, and dresses accordingly, there's nothing wrong with that and it is their choice. The key word here being choice.



  • Chariklo

    I just posted on trousers and skirts in the similar JDub thread, and then spotted this one.I read it through chuckling all the way.

    So they really do pontificate about underwear? And they're bothered about fabric between the legs?And they really thought that cutting the hair led to baldness? Really?!

    Oh my goodness, it's a comedy show!

    Except that it's not. OnTheWayOut is right, it IS a dangeropus mind control cult.

    Be afraid, be very afraid...and very glad you are here.

  • not bitter
    not bitter

    Where does it say that women can't wear thongs???

  • recovering

    There are no written rules. The WT magazines are referenced to determine what a "Christian" would wear but no hard, fast rules are laid out. In a lot of conservative areas, the elders or older sisters will wield a lot of influence on the younger and newer sisters on what is acceptable or not.

    if you search other threads here you will see how elders have used the type of underwear worn in their decision process in judicial committee meetings with reguards immorality. There is also a thread where an elder refused go to a wedding due to the fact the girl was noticed by him, wearing thong underwear while cleaning the kingdom hall .


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