Job A man blameless and upright, one who feared God, and turn away from evil. The fact that he is just and suffering breaks the logic relating God, evil,and the suffering of Israel. For ancient Israel the logic of suffering then they must have sinned. The second is that if someone repents of their sin then God will rescue and restore them. First of all Job was not A Israelite, why pick Job and not someone from his chosen people. Secondly, what is God trying to prove to Satan. God made A bet plan and simple. If you are A gambler when you place A bet, you are hoping you win, 50-50 chance. Foe God to place this wager with Satan, God wasn,t sure of the outcome. And thirdly, what,s with rewarding Job with more then he had before. The Bible speaks against riches.
Job suffering A ridiculous story.
by jam 22 Replies latest jw friends
I always find the book of job upsetting and hard to make sense of.
Some comments on your comments.
There is a message in the bible that shxt happens.
Time and unforseen circumstances befall us all.
Maybe Job is just a long story to make that point.
The bible seems to say a lot of things about a lot of things
The bible says money is a protection.
Maybe its the love of money that is a sin.
If you love money so much that you hurt others to get it thats a sin.
But if you go about your business and accumulate some wealth, money thats a protection.
Your not living in the street.
I dont know how you feel about the bible if you feel God wrote the bible cover to cover than I can
see your being upset about the gambling analogy that you write about.
If you feel the bible is inspired by God then you can reason that ancient men trying to make sense out of life
wrote the book of Job.
God did not have to have anything to do with the book of Job, but the person that wrote it could still be inspired by
I'm a musician, when I play my guitar I'm inspired by the Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, Jeff Beck etc. But they have nothing
to do with me or the music I make, they dont even know me, still I am inspired by them.
Thats kind of the way I see inspired by God.
Inspired by God can be good and it can be bad.
I like to think of God on one level as good orderly direction G.O.D.
The bible also says in Ecclesiastes, Eat drink and be merry for tomorrow you may die.
Lif is a roller coaster ride ups and downs, hills and valleys
and nobody knows you when your down and out.
Thats the book of job.
I think God WAS sure of the outcome. I don't think Satan was so sure, and so I think Satan was trying to prove something; not God. To which, he (Satan) failed to prove. Job proved Satan wrong, at least concerning himself.
White Dove
Sounds more like a Zen story, to me.
Note in the story of Job that God considered Job's children to be expendible! They were allowed to be killed just to move the story along.
Not very nice!
This is one of the reasons I no longer believe that the bible is a book inspired by a supreme being. It contradicts itself and is written in language so obsure and mystical, that you can attribute just about anything you want to it.
Wasn't the book of Job originally considered a work of poetry and of fiction?
When did people start to consider it an actual historical account?
Actually, I think the book of Job adds credibility to the Bible.
Because it's not "righteousness is always rewarded... evil is always punished" pabulum one would expect from people who are writing to make their God look good... the sort of stuff written by the WT Writing Department...
It raises more questions than it answers... like life itself.
The book of Job if true proves that the god of the bible is cruel. We are told that god is love and would any loving father not protect his children but the god of the bible has punished all his children for the sin of just 2 human children. The whole satanis a liar is wrong satan told a half truth when he said they would not die as did god when he said on the day the ate of the fruit they would die because it took 930 years to die . Both Jah and satan told a half truth. Also the david and bathseba story I find disturbing David the murderer and adulterer and bathseba the adulterer but god kills the innocent baby. Loving father my arse