BLOOD ISSUE! - Call Police for Backup...the JWs are mad!

by RagingBull 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • RagingBull

    I read this article and thought... "Only a matter of time before JWs start getting hauled off to jail for attempted murder and manslaughter charges."

    One would think..."Why is this person fighting so hard for their child to DIE??? Maybe they don't want the kid and figure they'll be free from the responsiblility?"

  • thetrueone

    One would think..."Why is this person fighting so hard for their child to DIE??? Maybe they don't want the kid and figure they'll be free from the responsibility?"

    The real reason is the fear inducing indoctrination by the WTS. men, who really are commercialized self identifying false prophets.

    The love and respect is overtaken toward the WTS. and its expressed doctrines over the life of loved family members and unto themselves..

    They've taken the position of spokesmen for god when they really are spokesmen for themselves.

  • Nickolas

    Children are the ultimate sacrifice to the blood idol of the Watchtower. The Watchtower has elevated what the bible calls the sacred symbol of life to something greater than what it symbolises and has demonstrated inerrant resolve to sacrifice the lives of men, women and children to it. It is idolatry, plain and simple, and yet more compelling evidence that the Watchtower is anything but what it represents itself to be.

    Look at the faces of these innocent children. Youths who put the Watchtower first and paid the price with their lives and misery of their deluded parents.

  • thetrueone

    What a lying maligning fraud to paste those children on the front cover with big smiles on their faces.

    Truly disgusting !

    I'm sure they had big smiles on their faces when their doctors told they might die if they refuse a blood transfusion.

    Wouldn't a more honest appropriate picture be of them in a cemetery plot with their parents grieving over them.

    The power of the press and what is behind this insidious deceit.

  • Nickolas
  • thetrueone

    Gruesome but truthful Nick.

    As soon as the WTS. self identified itself in 1919 by Rutherford, as god's only true spokesmen, guided by

    his holy spirit and his actively chosen earthly organization, this set the stage for some truly devastating and dangerous

    self imposed doctrines, some which are still lingering today.

  • Alfred

    The sad thing is that there are JWs out there who fight to prevent their kids from getting transfusions but really aren't 100% sure if they'll ever see their kids again (at the resurrection field or elsewhere)... Some fight these child transfusions out of sheer pressure to conform (fearing disfellowshipping or other forms of shunning from the congo). Others fight "just in case" it happens to be "Biblical" to do so after all (just so they'll have their slot reserved at the Lion petting zoo after Armageddon)...

  • Reality79

    The WTS needs to stay the hell out of the African continent, period.

    Although I never told anyone, but even as a faithful dub, my mentality was that if MY child ever needed blood, then you know what, to hell with the Watchtower and their fake version of god for that matter. If they wanted to disfellowship me and gossip fine, we can always move elsewhere but at least my child would still be alive. Even if "Jehovah" destroyed me at armageddon and my child lived, then you what, I'm cool with that. But I'd be damned if I didn't do everything in my power to make my child outlive me.

    I mean seriously, is this couple going to sit back now, watch their daughter grow and wish she had died at nine years old instead??? Do they really feel this was "satanic" attack? This is absolute madness.

    Anyway, stories like this are good because it shows the whole organisation for what they are. That young girl should go into care as far as I'm concerned. The couple should hang their brainwashed heads in shame and don't deserve to be parents.

  • thetrueone

    Some fight these child transfusions out of sheer pressure to conform (fearing disfellowshipping or other forms of shunning from the congo).

    Exactly they are being pressured from many directions, most just give in and let their children die hoping they've made the right choice.

    Thankful many governments have taken the position now that its illegal to pursued a minor on these kinds of religious beliefs due to their age

    and mental maturity.

    Men who play god are truly precariously dangerous.

  • ChainedNoLonger

    I for one am extremely glad I allowed my baby to be given a blood transfusion. I know I wouldn't have been able to live with myself if I had allowed her to die, and even watched her do so. I never felt guilty about doing everything possible to save my daughter's life, even though my mom and sister both told me I was wrong, went against Jehovah, and that by allowing my daughter to have blood, I may have ruined her chance to live in Paradise. I made that decision, and I know it was the only RIGHT choice to make.

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