I was out with a couple of friends yesterday and I learned that an acquaintance of ours, who goes to church every Sunday with his 6 year old son, was an atheist. I've known him for a few years and assumed that he was religious, but here was someone (who is a full fledged atheist) taking his son to church every Sunday.
His stated reason was that even though he didn't believe most of what was coming from the platform, he thought that his son needed religion to build a moral barometer and that it would be too difficult to give him that without a religious structure. He believed that his son should learn the principles taught in the church and when the son was old enough, he could decide for himself what he wanted to believe. They thought I should be able to appreciate this because even as an ex-JW, what I am today was shaped by the principles I learned growing up as a JW(principles learned studying almost any religion I argued).
This led to a heated debate as to whether or not this was absolutely necessary. Since I don't have children I felt that my say in the matter was idealistic, I believe that you can raise balanced & moral children without the need them to fear ever-present spirit creatures that will reward or punish them for how they choose to live their lives.
What do you guys think?