Hmm, let's see
- Bakery (my favorite until I was told I'm expected to pay for the restbites as for ok ones)
- Taking care of tools depot (my specialty was perfect order, I got mad if someone just left or took something without registering it)
- Section servant and counting participants (this was special as you got double special label under your badge, volunteer and public servant or whatever it is called. It was great also otherwise, you had valid reason to have binoculars for scanning your section, no way, some nice sisters.)
- Selling candy and ice-cream (this was my job for many years, good part being that you could buy those last good candies before they were sold-out)
- Collecting money from donation boxes
I was always so busy in Gods work that I never had time to participate in cleaning job, there you have it if you wonder my motivation. Actually I was so busy that I often missed the good stuff being told from podium. No wonder I became what I am.