This Man Should be USA's President!
by Medina 42 Replies latest social current
Mad Sweeney
I am voting for the first time in my life next year.
I will be voting for Ron Paul.
Good to hear that. Sadly I am from the Netherlands and not a US Citizen, therefor I will not be able to vote. I hope one day I will life in America and become a Naturalised Citizen, I dont know the certain rules but hopefully I would be able to vote by then...
Wasanelder Once
No more taxes, EPA, Civil Rights legislation, and a gun in every pocket, yeah Ron Paul! Wait, no one pays their taxes, the EPA is fairly toothless and bigots hat anyway. Guns? Plenty to go around. Who needs R. Paul?
Terra Incognita
Why should anyone pay for tens of millions of "dumb" Americans who live on the coast?
It's their fault if a hurricane strikes their city and leaves millions homeless.
But hey, those dumb Americans are so generous that they will gladly donate $
to help out a few million homeless people.
Just like my philosophical hero Ayn Rand would have gladly done.
Ron Paul for President!
This advertisement has been paid for by the "Enemies of America Foundation".
oh goodie, another one promissing change. the only thing that changes is the name.
Mad Sweeney
I'm open to considering the actual Libertarian candidate but I doubt he'll be any more libertarian than Dr. Paul.
Ron Paul is the first man I ever voted for after escaping the tower in 83.
I voted for him for president in 1988. He was running on the Libertarian party ticket.
I dont think he won that one.
I think some dingbat named Bush won.
I think he'll legalize marrijuana then we can medicate ourselves, and not be so disturbed at how the
politicians are rapping us.
I'll vote for him again, I'm already registered as a Republican.
You need to vote for him in the Republican primary.
If he doesnt win the primary and lead the Repulican party in the national election he doesnt have
a chance as an independent, at least on my observations of US politics in the past 100 years.
I hope he wins, But I doubt the Illuminati would allow him to win.
If he did win I doubt the Illuminati would allow him to impliment his platform.
Maybe at room temperture but not 98.6.