Those are very ingenious! I hope you make lots of $$$.
Very cool!
by ziddina 19 Replies latest social physical
Those are very ingenious! I hope you make lots of $$$.
Very cool!
Thanks, DarthFader, but take a look at the "Kahtoonas™"...
I think somebody already beat me to it...
If I had known about "Kahtoonas™", I probably wouldn't have made my "ZidGrips"....
That's quite an invention, ziddina. You remind me of my young cousin,,, so smart, and feisty, too!
Right on!
If you decide to make any for sale, I'm there!
I don't hike, but awesome idea and invention!
Hmmm. Tirechains for shoes.
I love that. Who said that a better mousetrap could not be found? Great idea.
Patent that ASAP. And if you think you are on a roll, devise a better pair of swamp boots.
Very nice, Zid! Do they fit ski boots? The most dangerous part of the day is that icy walk back to the parking lot.
There are also Stabil-icers see here:
Interesting, Nathan...
Thanks for posting that link.
I was a little 'iffy' about the Stabil-icers lite - looks like they ride too low on the boot and might slip off during use - but then again, they're showing them on a boot with a rather high heel.
The other two - Stabil-icer sport and regular Stabil-icer - same concern, but they do look more stable on their respective shoe/boot than the 'lite' version.
I especially liked the look of the 'overboot', though - add some polar fleece for insulation and that would be a great product!!
'Course, my favorite is still the Kahtoona - Kahtoola - whatever....
I just noticed...
My last pix - post #4948 - I said, "The two on the left are approximately what yours should look like..."
I meant to say, "the two on THE RIGHT...."!!
My bad...