What did mosquitos feed on, if all animals were herbivores before the flood?
Fishes and the bible
by EntirelyPossible 13 Replies latest watchtower bible
You're not allowed to bring up the Vampire Mosquitos issue sssshh
Just remebered this:
Has some good ideas but some bad jokes I guess.
If it were more clean I would send it to my JW friends.
I remember my father bringing home pictures of thoses deep sea creatures when I was a kid (60's). I was always amazed that they could live where it was impossible for humans to go.
The flood, I have to agree, is a tough one to prove. It is what makes the bible questionable imo. Evolution/change occurs everyday. Early modern christians understood the creation to be static (per the bible) so they stupidly denied the existence of evolution rather than embrace it as a continued process of god's creation. All they saw was a bunch of atheist evolutionists saying man possibly descended from apes, thus no creator, and they shut their minds to the possibility, and now I think they look like idiots still refusing to accept basic scientific facts.