I don't get these women!

by serenitynow! 67 Replies latest jw friends

  • talesin


    I think so --- of the two men I am friends with, one had a previously very happy 'love' match, and the other had had problems ongoing.

    So it happens to both type of couples.


    lol@ snowy, EP and BP

    @ watersprout -- it wouldn't be the first!

  • OnTheWayOut
    The JW women who are willing to dump their husband if he ceases to believe.

    It might be the excuse for the trigger. Perhaps there were problems beforehand in most cases. My JW wife and I had a great relationship before I ceased to believe, and it remains strong afterward. There is an 800-poung gorilla in the room at times, but we address parts of it and reduce it to 400 pounds at times.

    We have a mix of women/men leaving the other over this religion. I can say that a part of it is that the religion tells the JW that the world is sinful and that the mate who left the religion is "out there now."

    Do they figure they will be able to land themselves a "good" JW husband?

    Probably happens to a small percentage of wives who have family all in. They want a better JW lifestyle and will abandon all to get it.

    I know when I was in that eligible JW men were rare, especially if you were past 25.

    I've met SerenityNow and find it hard to believe she wasn't snatched up. Must have been that her standards were too high for the JW men.
    But the point is valid. A JW woman (especially with baggage) has to look up in age to find a mate in the United States for the most part.

    I talked to my mom about it, she swears it never happens. The more I read here, it seems to happen a lot.

    Our community here is wider and more knowledgeable about this. It happens.

  • tec
    It might be the excuse for the trigger. Perhaps there were problems beforehand in most cases.

    I tend to agree with this - though I'm not in those shoes, so have no first hand ekperience. But I would think that if you truly love your mate, (not just 'in love', but a deep caring and love), that you would rather spend your life trying to 'win him over without a word', rather than cut and run.

    There are a couple other reasons that I think have already been brought up though as well.

    - you were married to an idea - not a real person. The idea of someone who loves 'jehovah' and the witnesses, and would share your life in this religion. If the idea is gone, then so is the marriage.

    - fear. Fear that your now apostate mate will turn you into one as well.


  • watson


    #1 really hits the spot.

  • Magwitch

    The ONLY reason I married my ex is because he was a very spiritual man (elder, reg pioneer). When I left the "troof" there was absolutely nothing to hold the marriage together - we had NOTHING in common except the religion. It was only natural that the marriage would end when the believing stopped. He now has a very young and a very theocratic wife - so we are all happy!

  • sd-7

    Really? Women leave their ex-JW husbands? But they always come back, right? They realize that mom-in-law won't let them sit around and not work, and stay up all hours of the night making noise, and then want to come back, right? Isn't that how it works??

    What sooooort of women, then, ought ye all to be,

    Whose husbands needn't look at pornography?

    With confidence, do tell your men

    How worthless they are,

    As consequence of sinfulness

    That has gone too far.

    And show them by your conduct

    That Jehovah is your Friend

    And apostasy won't be tolerated

    By you again

    "Jehovah, we are so thankful that Sister Loyal has stepped up and enabled her husband to get the spiritual help that he needs from you. We know of course that it will be up to him to either accept your loving care, or reject it, and of course we uh, hope that he does accept and make the necessary adjustments to do your will. If not, may your spirit regardless be with uh, Sister Loyal as she still endeavors to bring up her children in your discipline and mental-regulating, and may you guard them from any satanic, apostate influences. We humbly offer this petition in the name of your Son and reigning King, Christ Jesus, Amen."


  • Magwitch

    SD7 you are a hoot!

  • Honesty

    Spiritual endagerment.

    That's what my ex claimed just because I found out the truth about the troof and quit doing anything FER Jehover.

    Said I made her miserable.

    She's still miserable and a single parent with 2 teenagers who have rejected the FDS.

  • RagingBull

    Oh yeah, a spouse can separate from the ex-JW or "Independant Thinking JW" for "SPIRITUAL ENDANGERMENT". (yeah, My wife pulled that out on me once) The Elders would "understand" that and it is an acceptable reason. They can't have both the husband and wife not attending meetings and giving $$$$ to the org. Besides...she'd be just another "possibility" for the brothers to keep their eyes on.

  • RagingBull

    Holy Crap @Honesty...I'm just reading your post. LOL.... My wife said "I will not leave in a spiritually divided house"...I told her "You're going to live with your parents? (she and her mom barely get along anyway because they both know everything about everything.) What grounds could you...." and she cut in with "Spiritual Endangerment" I hadn't even heard that one before. Looks like she's been talking to someone or doing some research.

    The Elders would back it up though b/c they can have the JW mate finding out the same REAL TRUTHS that the ex-JW mate found. "GET HER AWAY FROM THAT INTERNET SAVY APOSTATE!!!" LOL that's what they'd think.

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