Happy Solstice !

by talesin 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • talesin

    A day of celebration -- happy solstice to all ,,, especially any pagan/wicca on the board!


    I miss my friends who have moved away,,, no one to celebrate with anymore. I will go out in the yard tonite for a bit, though, and do a little sumpin-sumpin to acknowledge Mother Earth/Father Moon.

    Special plans, anyone? I'd love to hear how you are celebrating .....


  • NewChapter

    Well enjoy your night talesin. I'm sure my very good Wiccan friend is going to do something, and it will probably be mentioned at my UU church. I don't know much about it, although I am going on a pagan retreat with her in October. It just seems like a fun thing to do, and I like the music.


  • aquagirl

    Huzzah!!!And happy solstice to you too!Enjoy!!!!

  • darthfader

    Since my wife is starting to review pagan traditions, we are trying to make note of special days just to honor and hold special the passing of time. The solstices are great markers in time to take a few minutes and reflect on the past 6 months.

    Unlike the JW's who dont like to celebrate anything because if anyone were to notice all the birthdays and "holidays" passing - they mignt take notice that time is indeed passing them by.

    Happy Summer Solstice!



    My favorite day of the year!

  • talesin

    NC -- is that Unitarian? We have one here, I know they are the most ecumenical. Which is pretty cooool in my books. I'm sure you will enjoy the retreat - and you're right, pagans are fun.

    aquagirl -- thanks, and you too! huzzah --- that's what my friend Katherine says, she's the one I'm missing tonight. :)

    darth -- I totally agree, and is why I have embraced celebrating the solstices with my friends!

    PYRAMID -- enjoy!!!

    Thanks folks, for sharing this with me :D


  • poopsiecakes

    Enjoy darlin!

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    It was at first light in the morning here

    Went for a walk on the beach.

  • watersprout

    I'm not a pagan or wicca but I do love the solstice's...... Sooooo Happy summer solstice


  • TotallyADD

    Living in FL most of my life now living in what I call the far north. I am finally getting use to the sun coming up before 5 AM. I like getting up with the sun but here that is 4:45 AM. I am more use to 6 AM. I guess I will get my wish this winter when the sun comes up at 7:30 AM. LOL Totally ADD

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