I feel morally conflicted

by Voices 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Voices

    I'm trying to invest in a company. I've been doing a lot of research and have been through balance sheet, flow sheet etc...etc..etc...with LOTS of companies...LOTS and LOTS of companies. ... There is only ONE (thus far) that I have found that has showed a STEADY growth in it's company progress minus all the debts and liabilities and blah blah blah.. It's so good that it's Return on Equity is at 36% ...it's P/E is at 19 (not bad for fast grower not that it matters because p/e ratio shouldn't be the reason you purchase a stock) ...it's increased profits by billions in the last 4 years....WITHOUT any losses, bankrutpacy etc.. .. EVERYTHING about this company has screamed it's progress is good. Before people start slamming me and saying 'stock market is a gamble etc..' ...and start challenging they know better or whatever....i want to say, i'm not the best nor the worst but i am very determined in NOT DOING MY CURRENT JOB ANYMORE! so...with that in mind...i'm not really looking for critism on how this is a gamble and...'you don't know everything on this stock ...i.t can' have the best balance sheet and crash ' or any cliche comments. I am doing what i am suppose to be doing....learning. And if it costs me money to finally pay off in the end so be it. (i know there's crackheads out there that'll say something but, i thought i'd just set the situation straight) Thank you for understanding...now the reason for the post:

    This company is offshores...and it does infact do really well in the NYSE. What bothers me...among the many products this company makes.....one product bothers me. Beer. This company also makes BEER. And i'm not sure if i'm comfortable investing in a company that makes a product that does infact bring harm to others. I am a big strong believer in the peter lynch theory. buying comanies with stupid names, (marley screw company or whatever etc..) and etc.. etc.. And everything thus far in this company's profile is the epitomy of 'invest here for profit' .... i don't know... I feel morally conflicted. It's taken a LONG time for me to find a company with a good BALANCE sheet, flow sheet and p/e ratio with ROE etc.. So if eel.. blah...

    I mean drinking a beer every now and then isn't bad, but people can over indulge and kill themselves or become addicts.....but then again you can also do that with medication (narcotics) ....caffine ...or stores like walmart and other stores that sell fire arms..etc.. i don't know i feel weird about this...

    Anyone have any thoughts?

  • sir82

    People can overindulge or misuse any product manufactured by any company.

    I could understand a moral conflict over, say, a weapons manufacturer, whose primary or even sole purpose is to produce things designed to kill other humans...

    But beer?

    “Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.” - Ben Franklin

  • watson

    Do you like the company?

    Buy it.

    You've done your homework.

    As Sir82 mentioned, people can mis use anything. Invest in Ford? People speed, kill, or get killed.

    One word of caution: Don't dump a disproportionate amount of your cash into the company at one time. Steady investment over time into a company that performs like this one is what pays off in the long run.

  • ABibleStudent

    Hi Voices, congratulations on doing your fundamentals research. If it bothers you that the company makes beer, then don't buy the company. If you do not have a lot of money to invest, you should consider investing in ETF's until you find companies that you like. Also, I suggest that you view some webairs (such as through TDAmeritrade/Investools http://www.tdameritrade.com/knowledgecenter/webcasts.html) about doing top-down analyses, technical analysis, diversification strategies, timing when to invest, and when to sell. Good-luck!!

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • Voices

    Sir82: I totally agree but...my concern is that alcohol is more dangerous and more abused substance then others...

    Watson: Oh this is definately a long term investment... like 100.00 a month out of my employement paycheck. I am definately looking for a long term goal here, not short selling or short term investment. I'm hoping that by 5-6 years (as i follow this annually and see the report) i'll be able to watch it rise and fall, but overall in the course of the year see a steady improve. I want a company that's GROWING basically....that i don't need to worry about. All i have to do is keep putting money into it ...even if it goes up and down...because of it's growth...i can definately see it paying off. Infact, right now, i'm actually hoping the price of it DROPS significantly, because i'm THAT confident of it's growth and overall progress that i know in 5 years, it'll be worth more and expanded more. and hopefully when it drops (though this is a clear mistake people make sometimes ) i want to buy up as much as possible because of it's growth over the past 4 years, and now it's done a split as well as branched out to other countries. I'm very confident of this. I don't know...i'm still conflicted... kinda feels like the devil's making a deal '...i'll give you millions...if you just support this product'


    Your morally conflicted about Beer?..


    Beer is Canada`s National Bird..


    ........................ ...OUTLAW

  • jay88

    It is hard to believe that such a short but sweet, overview of his business dealings,....

    Could lead to such an elementary question,....

  • Voices

    Post 513 of 513
    Since 10/11/2010

    "It is hard to believe that such a short but sweet, overview of his business dealings,...."

    i'm not sure if your trying to insult...but i guess i wanted to stress that though i condescend everything in my research, i've been researching this for quiet some time. Infact i've been looking at stocks for the past 3 months.....and i'm exhausted because i have yet to find a 'good buy' ....except this.

  • tec

    I would not have thought there was any conflict of interest in investing in a company that also sells beer. (at least not until you pointed one out, lol, and now I have to think about it - though I think it does depend on the person and their views)

    But if you go against your conscience, will you have peace within you? Is money worth the loss of that peace, if loss of peace is your answer to the first question?

    These are not judgmental questions in any way, Voices, so please don't read them as such. These are questions that I often ask myself, when I feel conflicted, in order to get to the heart of the matter or the bottom line.



  • Voices

    Tammy, .... well...i don't know. My father was an alcoholic....and not to get TOO personal...i'm well aware of the consequences of people becoming...uh...violent when they drink. So now...i keep thinking over and over again...there are others that drink 'the graphes of wrath' ...or whatever and have children who were my age...suffering fromt he same abuse...but then on the other hand...it's not the only thing this company makes...it makes so many other products. Beer is just one. So.....id on't know....you do have good advice though. Thank you

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