Mentally Ill Mother Wants to Pioneer...

by I<3MYGod 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    Yes, first look for PROFESSIONAL mental health support. For your sisters, look for a social worker in your area or some other governmental support. There is most definitely help for people that have been set out of home. It's actually illegal to kick somebody out of the house without notice in most states, usually she requires 1, 3 or 6 months notice especially if she was paying some form of rent so you could go back with police to pick up her stuff.

    As far as the religious aspect, nobody cares whether your mother is a pioneer or not, that has nothing to do with her health, in fact most congregations are desperate for such people and approve them in a heartbeat. The only questions at those meetings really are: did she do anything we know she was reproved for or could be disfellowshipped for in the last 6 months - no? - ok, scribble, approved then it goes through the rubberstamping process from there on.

    Also, contacting elders will most likely do nothing. First of all you're disfellowshipped and therefore anything said against the organization or it's members is apostasy. The only way you can get through to your elders for anything, even criminal offenses like child abuse is if you have 2 active witnesses witness the same action (or with child sexual abuse, a repetitive pattern of it over the last 2 years). Some elders are nicer and will believe you if they already have a clue that there is something loose in the upper chambers. We had such a lady in our KH once though and the elders did nothing so she was pioneering until she started yelling at the top of her voice at the CO's wife *in the street in service* for having a fur piece (might have been fake) on the collar of her coat. She made the CO's wife cry and leave, after that she lost all privileges including answering at the meetings (not DF'ed though because her son convinced them she was mentally ill and that would be inappropriate - the son didn't get servant privileges for 10 years though after that)

  • Blind_Of_Lies

    OP, message me. I have been down this road

  • I<3MYGod

    I am pregnant sister isn't having any difficulties (other than my mother and all her BS) the issue is my 19yr old sister just being dumped on her sisters that can't afford it. My 19yr old sister doesn't have any children...

  • I<3MYGod

    My bil still has a good relationship with his dad who is an elder. So he is going to speak to him today and see what if anything can be done. We are all ready and willing to send in written statements about what has happened and what is going on to date, if need be.

    The very scary thing is that she has my cousins 9yr old daughter with her...she is NOT mentally stable enough to have any child let alone pet in her care.

  • mrsjones5

    But she's 19. Unless she's mentally incapacitated she can't be dumped, though her being kicked out probably wasn't legal. In the eyes of the law and society she's an adult. I know times are hard but was she trying to do anything for herself, was she actively trying to be self-sufficient before your mother kicked her out? I'm not trying to pick on your youngest sister but she's not a child.

  • highdose

    my experiance of mentaly unstable JW's is that the elders don't know how to handle it and will therefore just turn a blind eye.

    Have you thought of the positives to come from this? If your mother does pioneer then for sure every person she calls on is certain never to become a JW! Its the perfect anti wittness!

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Sounds exactly like my XMIL. Egg and I were physically attacked by her in one of her fits.

    Egg was a baby then.

    Sure hope this clears up for you. Is li'l sis looking for a job?

    That should be the first thing for her to do.

  • I<3MYGod

    ^^ truth to that! or maybe she will find more feeble minded people and they can start their own sect.

    My mother has belittled my youngest sister and put her down her whole life. All that she has been told by my mom and dad is that she is uselsess and that no one will love her or want her.

    She is actively looking for a job as we luck such far. I know that she is an adult and that she is going to have to start to take care of herself or contribute to whatever household she is in. It's just a shock to us all the depths of viciousness that our mother is willing to go to. She spouts off all this hollier than thou jay dub BS and now that she isn't recieving any sympathy from her daughters any more she is out for blood.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    This is just so sad and dangerous for herself and others.

  • mrsjones5

    Yeah, I really feel for your lil sis. My parents treated me the same way. It was a relief when I finally left my parents house as it was for my sister and brother (they both left or were kicked out at 18). I hope your sister is feeling a bit of relief too. A job will come.

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