Pat Condell: "Name the Poison"
by leavingwt 13 Replies latest jw friends
most people laugh at me, when i predict a cival war in europe within the nex few years. islam is the new fashism!
I've experienced this first-hand.
1st negative experience with Islam
Many years ago, when I was married, I used to go out dancing at the club once a month with 'the girls'.
At the time, we shared a duplex with our landlord. "Sam" was a lovely man, with a new wife, "Nada". I used to go next door, and spent time with her so she could learn conversational English. While she was learning english, I was learning Lebanese cooking. She was well-educated, a teacher, and so was Sam. They were our friends.
Anyhoo,, his younger brothers had recently emigrated to Canada.
This one night, I was at the club, and saw one of the younger brothers. I went over to say hi, and he grabbed me, pulled me down onto his lap, and tried to fondle me. I was shocked and pissed off! I pushed away from him and furiously stood up.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?"
"Well, you are western, you are out without your husband, so obviously you are available for any man who wants to take you."2nd negative experience with Islam
I had been going to the "Mid-East Grocery", a large emporium here, for many years. The owner's wife (western in dress and demeanour) ran the shop, and she and I had been very friendly for quite some time. She told me how to make baklava, and hummus. We had many happy conversations. One day, I went into the store, and saw that she was engaged in conversation with her husband. Knowing the Islamic culture (not wanting to interrupt as I am only a woman), I patiently waited for their exchange to end before she served me. About 3 or 4 minutes into it, a Muslim woman walked into the store, fully covered (scarf and burka). Her husband immediately ended the conversation, and gestured toward the new customer. She immediately went to the other woman, and started waiting on her, as if I wasn't even there.
I was sooooo insulted --- even to her, I was not 'worth' as much as a fellow Muslim customer. I was saddened, and angry, so I interrupted her long enough to tell her I would NEVER set foot in her store again, and would be sure to tell all my friends how racist she really is. And I've kept my word -- that was about 12 years ago.
3rd negative experience with Islam
I had a 'boyfriend' for 2 years who was from Syria; a Christian. Syria has "Sharia Law". Only about 15% of Syrians are Christian, and that's why he emigrated to Canada.
"Roy" had a fiancee back in Syria, and used to 'meet' with her at a friend's apartment to fool around. He said that if they would have been caught by the secret police, she would have been executed, and he would have nothing happen to him. He was sickened by his country's laws that promoted hatred of women.
Roy told me that about 6 months before we asked me out, he got news from 'back home' that his fiancee, whom he had planned to bring over, was essentially "sold" by her family to a rich, older man who wanted to marry her. *puke* We eventually broke up (being a non-Christian, I was not marriage material). He has since married a Canadian divorced woman with one child -- they have a child together also, and are very happy.
Yup, Mr. Condell (is that his name? I think he's great, it's not the first vid I've seen) is spot-on with this one, as usual.
I try to be as accepting as I can, but every time I get on the bus and see a woman covered in black from head-to-toe, nothing showing but her hands and eyes, I get physically ill. I do. Because I KNOW what it means.
* Note to anyone interested --- Nathan Natas posted an awesome poem a couple of days ago, I believe the thread is entitled "Buried to her Shoulders". It should be required reading for anyone who believes Islam does not promote hatred of women. Be prepared to be moved to tears, shocked and enraged if you REALLY don't know what "Sharia Law" means.
Thanks once again LeavingWt, for posting Pat's priceless video.
He certainly tells it like it is, and I admire him. Bleeding heart Liberals will condemn him, I cannot even be bothered to say how, but they have no argument against what he says.
I love many people who follow Islam, they are , like many JW's, good sweet people, but the religion is , not Shiite, but shite.
No woman should be treated as less than a man in any way, all people should have access to proper justice, and Islamic/Sharia law knows nothing of proper justice.
To allow the creeping influence of this religion to change our society and its values is to sleep our way back in to the dark ages.
Bleeding heart Liberals
I resemble that remark, and don't appreciate your assumption that Liberal thinking people condone misogyny!!!
I am not seeing my posts at times. but yes Pat condell is great.
Talesin, have you read Ayan Hirsi Ali's books?
Dearest Talesin, "Bleeding heart liberals" refers to people who will not countenance any criticism of groups that they percieve as under-represented in society.
I am sure you would not defend the under-represented suicide bombers, or stoners of women etc etc ?
I too am a "Liberal" (I do hate labels, they constrict one so !) to a great degree, but I will not defend the indefensible actions of religionists who demand we allow them to carry on their evil ways , just because they are a religion.
The above applies particularly to Jehovah's Witnesses and their murderous blood doctrine.
Long may your heart bleed, as mine does, for those mistreated by religion and other evil powers today.
Another example of Pat Condell doing what he does best - saying it as it is.
I think everyone should subscribe to his channel and take the time to listen to his messages.