Why leave? If I know Scripture backs my understanding and can conclusively prove it doesn't back the Society's on things, it's not me who has to change; it's them. If they refuse to accept the Bible and are so offended at my rejection of their heresy and apostasy that they throw me out, I won't even acknowledge it. Christ is the head of the congregation; not the GB, not the Service Department, not the elders. For all intents and purposes, Jesus and his followers were disfellowshipped from the temple and synagogues. Did they tuck their tails between their legs and leave?
I just got into a phone discussion a few days ago with an elder from my Hall and thoroughly rejected the GB as the leaders of Christianity. I have rejected the Watchtower as man-made and valueless since I came in. I will not accept anyone's opinion if it can't be backed by Scripture, including C/Os confronting me about things.
Part of the cult mind control of the Watchtower is them making the JWs believe they are important. Once a Christian realizes the human group in NY and its satellite groups in Kingdom Halls don't matter, it's a truly emancipating revelation. Suddenly the power grabs are silly, the appeals to their authority as the only necessary evidence are hollow, the elders' demands for conformity are pathetic pleas for attention and respect from losers in a cheap polyester suits.
When Jesus spoke of the Pharisees, he said "Let them be. Blind guides is what they are." (Mat 15:14) Realizing the man-made rules, time keeping, meeting attendance, proprietary vocabulary, underlining magazines, all the seeking of glory before men; it's pointless and doesn't lead toward anything. The titles and positions, the "privileges" of service; they're just carrots on sticks to control behavior. They're weapons to use against us, in case we don't comply and conform. When they can't DF us for actually violating God's laws, they take away a "privilege" for violating theirs.
I let it be known early on I didn't want a title. I didn't have to be called a "pioneer" to preach. I didn't need to be on the "theocratic" ministry school in order to be qualified. If I wanted to listen to heavy metal, grow a beard, study martial arts, be in a "worldly" club, etc.; I didn't give them any satisfaction of "punishing" me by taking away their phony privileges.
Part of the idolatry the vast majority of JWs are actively involved in is placing importance in the Society. Allowing a group of men to usurp Christ's position in your heart, allowing them to convince you to reject Scripture for Watchtower articles, allowing them to control your actions, emotions, and thoughts are all forms of worship. Think about all the things God wants from us: Obedience, submission, respect, glory; the Society wants it all for themselves. I discuss this at length (perhaps too much length) in my paper "Do Christians Have Human Leaders?"