I'm in. Carmel/Noblesville Indiana here (Just north of Indianapolis).
Would you pose as an "interested one" and "study" to help free my family?
by Essan 42 Replies latest jw experiences
Just one question. The witness community is small. What if someone you met before happens to see you acting as an interested one?
Well that's three of us Drewcoul. It's a start LOL.
@dgp It's a small community, but not that small. It's also very insular. Often JW's know very few people outside of their own congregation. People participating would do so because they felt that their present location is far enough from the location at which they were a JW to reduce the likelihood of being recognized to the absolute minimum. Also, the meeting attendance would be kept to the initial contact, not repeated, so that as long as contact was made at that meeting and a visit for a prospective home study arranged, there would be almost no chance of anyone having any opportunity to recognize them again.
If somehow someone was recognized at that initial meeting, then the 'operation' is obviously over but still, no one would know who initiated it, nor would they know exactly why this one was at the meeting.
Anyone who felt they lived too close to their original location, or felt too well known, or who felt that they had too much to lose in the unlikely event that they were recognized would obviously not participate.
Freewill- it won't work very well.
JWs can choose to stay or leave and it could take years before a family member decides to leave the KH. Thirty years is a long time to to wait for someone to wake up and that is how long it could take- one more generation to go- surely they can't figure out someway to fool the sheep again, can they? The witnesses were put on notice back in 1995 when the 1914 blurb was removed from the inside cover of the Awake- they the same as told the JWs, the 1914 dogma was over, kaput. But JWs are a stubborn lot, they demanded new generation light, so they could keep on dreaming that the new order is just around the corner, rather than admit they were hoodwinked by a religious publishing corp.
I see. No objections. I like the idea of being "proactive". I just wanted you to notice this small detail.
@Moshe - It's about planting the seed by making them aware and giving them a choice they didn't know they had. Obviously, you can't make people leave. But you can expose them to the facts that may make all the difference, even if you have to be creative about how you get that info to them Then you have to just wait and see.
Thanks dpg. It's an important detail.
Yan Bibiyan
Essan, I like it - you have to keep it really tight lipped though.
It could easily be infiltrated by posing JWs and with all personal info the "targets" and their congregations can be alerted. What a wonderful "experience" for the next convention - brother X exposed apostates...
Maybe in the form of a PM, not a board setting, and then you still really don't know who is for real and who is posing...
Let me reiterate - I like the idea, (im)proper execution is what scares me...
Planting a seed, is a one step operation and then you wait, and wait and wait. Probably nothing will happen- we can hope, but waterboarding would have better results. JWs mostly follow the herd and younger JWs are leaving all the time, which gives more young JWs the idea to leave, too- their sunk cost is not very much, compared to a JW who has been in for 40-50 years. Good luck with the seed planting- choose the topic wisely.
Black Sheep
There could be a few articles on the forum about how to subtly do this.
Not too subtle, but it could be worked on: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/beliefs/190996/1/Why-did-my-old-friend-do-this-to-our-friendship-Please-help-me-understand
@Yan Biblyan - Hmm, that's a point. I wonder how we could guard against that.
@BlackSheep - Wow, that's some great material on that thread BlackSheep. You've given this a lot of thought over the years, clearly!