Ive swallowed a lot of crap but I had the good sense to vomit it out before it was too late.
How many illogical JW beliefs did you choke down for years?
by james_woods 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The belief that universal sovereignty is a hotly contested issue between Jehovah and Satan, and that Michael the Archangel will play a key role in settling it.
Too wacky.
At first in my hooked idealist mind I accepted pretty much every thing, because for the first time *I* was important, as a mere cog. I knew my place. Started pioneering right after H.S. in 1972 pre-Armageddon.
The one needling doubt for me was always...how the HELL could I believe the story of Noah's Ark?
You see, I was and am a bug, spider, insect, etc. lover. I loved close-up photography of these critters. I knew that there were hundreds of thousands of beetles -- just beetles! How the HELL could Noah find, ID, collect, feed...? Then, a quick look shows over 800,000 different species of insects, 250,000 are beetles with around 30,000 in N. America alone. People spend their entire lives studying living things today -- with a lot of high tech help.
That was my first real big chink...
Good thread !
JAMES- Good thread. I could nEVER understand that in the rsurrection there would be " no marriage". Or if your marriage mate died in this system you couldn't re-connect in the Paradise. I thought that was so incredibly stupid. Also as I turned about 30 yrs.old inside my head quietly I started doubting the " time of the end " prophecies and the 1914 garbage. I was told by many JW freaks that I'd never raise kids in this system. Now I'm in my 50's and have 3 adult children in their mid 20's. Yep. Still in " this system ". I was right in my doubts. So glad I took my freedom back in 2003 ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Why would the sovereign, almighty, omnipotent Creator demand, want and need my attention? Seemed rather small of Him
One thing that ate at me was the teaching that carnivorous species would become vegan. That really bugged me after a while. "The lion will eat straw just like the bull"? Really? Seemed more figurative than literal to me. There were many carnivorous species of dinosaurs in the distant past for crying out loud!
Another on the list is the global flood. I studied a bit of geology in high-school like everyone else; glaciation, erosion & plate tectonics make much more sense when it comes to why things are the way they are now. The global flood thing just doesn't make sense when it comes to all that. AND the 'water canopy"? Really?
Also, why would an Almighty God be bothered to constantly micromanage human affairs as specifically laid out in the Bible? You'd think he's have better things to do.
Since I signed on here, even more things are no longer making sense anymore...
I agree with a number of the things already mentioned...I just bought in because I was "supposed to".
My biggest nagging issue was the absolute certainty that after nearly 2000 years after Jesus walked the earth, a single man was chosen to put forth True Worship at the exclusion of every other religion or belief system. That was compounded by the declaration that this "organization" was then chosen in 1919 to be the true church because it was unique in its worship and doctrine (though it mirrored most practices of other Christian denominations at the time). I could never get a satisfactory answer to that one other than "because we said so!"
I agree with Sylvia,the no marriage for resurrected ones never made any sense to me.
Plus,all the prophecies in the Bible,seem to have at least two if not three modern-day applications,even Jonah in the Whale,one being Jesus,then,I think they even tied it into Rutherford and others being in jail,l don't know,just strange.