Discussions on evolution and creation are now completely resolved. No further information on this forum will ever be needed. So we can all move on. Thank you and good night!
settling the issue of evolution once and for all - it's a fact, case closed...
by just n from bethel 14 Replies latest watchtower bible
Broken Promises
Urk! But that still doesn't explain how the eyeball evolved...
[hint - check out the eyes of horseshoe crabs...]
A whole series of laughs and chuckles since checking into the forum this morning!
What better way to start the day? And no day text...
HA! Now all of my questions have finally been answered! LOL
LOL! "Evolution" will become a "fact" when you can demonstrate it in a Lab.
Just because evolution might seem logical to some doesn't mean it actually happened.
In the meantime, the primary argument remains against evolution is that of "abiogenesis"--they can't and excuse themselves from explaining how spontaneous inorganic amino acids formed the original living cell. That leap is too big outside of the context of a creator.
Once you seriously consider a creator then its a matter of whether that creator authored the Bible and whether or not we are correctly undersatnding it. But the basics are there. A wonderful earth and ecosystem with creatures clearly designed that way from the beginning, quite consistent with the Bible's story of God's creation.
So evolution is not believed as being realistic for the better informed.
The Bible says it is a "fool" who believes there is no god. But I think you have to consider the root of the word "fool" which doesn't mean one is simply stupid, but one is DECEIVED. Someone who is literally "fooled" by all that scientific mumbo-jumbo that sounds great in the context of all those fancy Latin words but don't add up when you consider that other things in science, like the moon and solar system, having nothing to do with evolution, beg the issue of creation.
Believe in evolution if you want to, fooled by the rhetoric, but it is far from being any "fact."
Well, I am thoroughly satisfied with that answer.
Also: It's a little known fact that smartest animal is a pig. Scientists say if pigs had thumbs and a language, they could be trained to do simple manual labor. They give you 20-30 years of loyal service and then at their retirement dinner you can eat them.
One of my all time favourite Cheers scenes. Thanks for the repeat chuckle.
So evolution is not believed as being realistic for the better informed.
That statement is pretty funny, too.