Julie. One point only..
You claim you've no interest in talking *to* me and yet you have shown enough interest to talk *about* me, why is that?We're almost there. Try to get this one last thought into your head.
Youve accepted that I have no interest in talking to you. Good.
But you dont seem to grasp that I wasnt talking about YOU, Julie, Person, when I was telling Amazing to bait then ignore you. I was talking to Amazing. I was trying to HELP Him. He was under fire, struggling,I was trying to introduce him to a new method of dealing with the stress of being attacked by multiple persons.
I would have done the same if he had been being attacked by say..Bitter Mango. COMF and Mindchild.
You seem to be under the misapprehension that I am part of Amazings "Ex Elders", "let the women be silent" camp.
I am not.I am merely a person who goes to the aid of anyone I percieve as alone, hurting, and under attack.
You, or any views you might hold on "Male views of womens intellect" ,or "Amazing is a chauvinist who thinks hes a Snag" hold not the slightest fragment of interest for me.