Those sweltering assemblies!

by highdose 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Heartofaboy

    Too right wobble, ALL the build up, ALL the hype.

    EVERYONE had to go to hear either a special anouncement or a special resolution. It was almost as if Jehovah himself was going to proclaim something astounding AND our lives depended on being there to hear it!!!

    Does anyone EVER remember what was announced at these special resolutuons etc??

    Weren't they ALWAYS devestatingly disappointing?

    Total waste of time & much effort.

  • blondie

    Starting in the late 60's, an airconditioned indoor facility was rented. The DC was there for quite some time. Ever since there was AC. But I remember the 1963 DC in Pasadena, although the first week of September, it was sweltering. I remember hauling water, a cooler, and large umbrellas and slathering on the equivalent of sun block back then and wearing hats.

  • TotallyADD

    At 15 years of age I remember the 1969 DC in Altanta GA during July. Everyday over 100 degrees F. Sorry I don't know what that is C. degrees. Then around 3 to 4 in the afternoon big thunder stroms would roll in with lighting. Then until the end of the day at 9PM "back then the time was 9 AM to 9 PM" we would have a steam bath. On top of it there was no plan for the friends for extra ice or water. Matter of fact I think there was a ice shortage in Altanta that week. That lasted 7 or 8 days I can't remember how long that thing was. I do remember we went home all swollen and sick with heat and sun exposure. It took us a week to get over that. Totally ADD

  • losthobbit

    It's a "beautiful, sunny, summer" day in Wimbledon today... only had to wear one jersey :)

  • moshe

    I recall an outside summer assembly in Chicago where a little baby died- the JW parents couldn't miss the assembly because the end was so close (1975 era) and the 100 degree heat wave was too much for the new born. I am sick just remembering and the JWs reactions--Oh, the baby will be ressurected- the new system will fix everything- now, what's the drama about?

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    Moshe, that is one of the saddest things I have ever heard. When my own child had a fever of 104 and I missed the Memorial due to her illness, I got all these looks as if I had grieved the holy spirit - PATHETIC. This cult needs to be stopped.

  • JustHuman14

    If that is hot, then you should see what the hell was happening in Greece in July!!! I remember many old JW's suffered from exaustion due to heat...What a loving God!!

  • life is to short
    life is to short


    Your story reminds me of when I was about 15 years old a little girl about 3 years of age ate some berry's off a plant in front of the motel where her parents were staying and got really sick from them.

    Her parents rushed her to the hospital where the doctors did not know what was wrong as she was in a coma, at first the hospital thought she might have had some very contagious illness and they were going to shut down the whole assembly. This happened Thursday night so all the brothers were in a uproar about it. Spiritual food was more important than our physical live for sure.

    Finally they traced it to the berry's and what a relief that now the assembly could go on and well the little girl died but oh well I was told she will be resurrection.

    I was just 15 years old and was sick at how cold it was, I was even told the parents came to the rest of the assembly.

    And yes we also had very extremelly hot assemblys where people would pass out here on the west coast way up into the mid 70's.


  • snakeface

    Here in Florida the temperature can be 99 F (= 37 C ). The facility is airconditioned. But just from walking to the car to the facility - many carrying babies or pushing wheelchairs - you end up soaking wet. Then at the end of the day you get into the HOT car and wait in line 30 minutes just to get out of the parking lot. I always felt sorry for the parking lot attendants.

    I often wondered why the A-holes in Brooklyn had to schedule the conventions at that time of the year, late summer. There was certainly no Bible-based reason for it. True, the children are out of school. But they are also out of school at Christmastime (when all their "worldly" classmates are having parties - having a convention would give the JW children something at that time of year) and at Eastertime for spring break.

    The weather is better - in both the Southern and in the Northern hemispheres - in the spring and fall.

  • wobble

    The Big Cheeses at Bethel like to go visit places in the Spring and the Fall, to give talks, have a paid for vacation, and get some greenbacks they can trouser.

    They don't give a flying f**k about the children, elderly or anybody.

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