How do you explain anointed people who are very humble and loving?

by bottleofwater 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mrsjones5

    Sounds like the poor sister wasn't that humble or loving...or honest.

  • jgnat

    In the evangelical world, everyone who accepts Christ is anointed. There is no separation or classes of Christians. So there isn't this weird resentment/suspicion either. I say, the more the merrier.

  • Resistance is Futile
    Resistance is Futile

    Are we talking about the same group of annointed that the Governing Body calls mentally deranged?

    WT 8/11 "A number of factors-including past religious beliefs or even mental or emotional imbalance-might cause some to assume mistakenly that they have the heavenly calling."

  • jeckle

    jgnat i agree

  • flipper

    BOTTLE of WATER- It's really quite simple. There are humble and loving anointed like there are humble and loving non-Witnesses. And humble and loving atheists and agnostics and humble and loving other sheep. There are also rude, arrogant anointed , non-Witnesses, Witnesses, other sheep, agnostics, atheists , and alleged Christians. How do you explain it ? You just accept it. There are good and bad people of all walks of life

  • No Room For George
    No Room For George

    I've only known one guy who was sane (I know, I know) that claimed to be of the annointed. He was a very down to earth, and humble brother, almost like a grandfather or older uncle.

    On the other hand, I've know others who claimed to be annointed who were visibly disturbed in the head. There's an annointed woman on this message board who's completely insane, although she doesn't know it. May she have peace!!!!! Counts down to when she notices this and gets in my butt.............5, 4, 3, ..........

  • TD
    Is there a way to explain this all?

    One of the nicest human beings I know is a JW "of the anointed." Not only is he one of the nicest, he's also one of the most stiking gentlemam I've ever seen. ---Six foot six; Early 70's but still ramrod straight with a grip like iron. A gentleman of color whose hair skipped grey entirely and went straight to Revelation 1:14.

    Truly good people are good despite everything and everyone else.

  • designs

    Humans are suppose to be nice, its just that under Christian philosophy you are told that you are inherently evil so being nice comes as an aberration which it isn't of course.

  • mrquik

    My father-in-law was of the "anointed" & was a indeed a kind, humble individual. But so were many others I met throughout 50 yrs. in the WBTS. You meet alot of these people in the WBTS because it draws such people.

  • jwfacts

    How do you explain Atheists that are very moral, kind and loving; I know plenty of them. It is not an indicator of anything, it is just human nature.

    I actually think the question should be the other way around. How do you explain members of the Great Crowd that are kind and loving. Why don't they think they are of the Anointed? Most religions (and the Bible for that matter) teach that the afterlife is in heaven. How do you convince members of a religion that they are not going to heaven?

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