My own history, one among millions, is rooted in British history. We Americans of a certain age love the British for their tenacity and unique character. Most of us get our impressions of the British from their liturature, language and, yes, movies! My sense of humor, for example, is at home among those people. Having visited the UK a couple of times and once coming pretty close to relocatiing there for a 2 year stint, I still feel an affinity for them. I have a realistic view of what the country is like today and I have to admit, I am not even interested in being a tourist again.
We have many British XJWs here, not to mention our founder and Brit expatriot Simon, now Canadian. Also, Besty & Sweetpea, now southern Californian degenerates. (kidding!) Lets hear from some of them.
(PS. I regularly re-read Charles Dickens just for the pure enjoyment of his 19th century British stories.)