Here you have it:
Faith strengthening arkeological videos about Red Sea crossing, Sodom, Mount Sinai etc
by Kosonen 17 Replies latest watchtower bible
Aw to bad, i wanted to read the faith-strengthening youtube comments, but comments was disabled for the video (who would have thought!).
The only think I see confirmed is how conjecture gets turned into fact, just by saying it happened this way. Finding a red stone pillar is proof of the exact location Moses crossed the Red sea, well maybe it is and then maybe not.
Mythology rules OK!!!
You 3 there seem to lack faith
thanks for the compliment .
Well, he sure has things tied up doesn't he. What I want to know is why God, this supreme being, dribbles out this knowledge the way he does. If its as important as all that, why is it obscure people who supposedly discover this stuff and then its promptly buried again. Why is everything a big test and a mystery? This stuff drives me nuts.
Don't be fooled. The academic world was created to spread propaganda. Critical case in point is avoiding linking the Exodus with Akhenaten at all costs. Akhenaten is the pharaoh that became a "monotheist" after the 10 plagues, which is credible proof the 10 plagues actually occurred. But anti-Biblical academia can't have that, now can they? Further, once you get a specific time for the Exodus then it will show up the later Greco-Persian Period revisions in the timeline, a timeline which became popular for reasons other than its original purpose, which was to cover for Xerxes and Artaxerxes being the same king. In the 3rd Century CE, therefore, once all the suppressed Biblical works were back in circulation, we find Jewish scholars revising the Book of Esther, transferring her marriage from Artaxerxes I to "Xerxes" even though both were the same king. The LXX version of Esther though has her married to Artaxerxes. The Book of Esther is just an adaptation of the story of Nehemiah who in folkloric versions, being a eunuch, was depicted as having an infatuation with the handsome Artaxerxes. When he requested to return to his homeland he was sitting on the king's lap and "batting his eyes" at the king. The story made no attempt to hide this infatuation, though no sexual or immoral behavior was presumed. Even so, to sanitize this a bit, the character of Nehemiah, who was the cupbearer, was split into two to carry the two themes of Nehemiah, which was his high position in the court as the cupbearer, carried by "Mordecai" which was based on Nehemiah's Babylonian name, "Marduka"; and, of course, the infatuation by a real woman, the beautiful Esther. This worked out okay in the original historical context of Nehemiah in the context of Artaxerxes. But when the revised timeline was adopted in later times this became a contradiction with the canonical Ezra/Nehemiah so Jewish scribes revised the Book of Esther and represented her as being married to "Ahasuerus"/Xerxes. So there is no way any credible Jewish scholar doesn't know about the revisionism. It's not about lying but about political correctness. This decision and later cover-up may be too big of an issue in the modern setting to deal with, so it continues to be suppressed.
My experience with some of these videos about archaeology is that if inaccurately representing the Bible, they end up creating more doubts in their desperation to prove the Bible is true. Like some archaeologists trying to link MBA Jericho and its fallen walls with the Exodus, which clearly occurred much later. Once they are proven wrong and no focus on when the Exodus actually happened, people lose faith in the Bible or see that it contradicts archaeology, when it actually doesn't. Just like Satan to pose as an "angel of light" in support of the Bible so it can be later proven wrong. I haven't seen the video but if they are not dating the Exodus to the time of Amenhotep III and Akhenaten, which is when Manetho and others always said it occurred, then I suspect it might be another anti-Biblical scam underneath it all.
Thanks for the link!