Devlin Kerry ,,, my personal hero

by talesin 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • talesin

    bumping so **** can find it -- here , buddy!

  • sooner7nc
  • Rabbit

    Back-to-the-top !

    Thanks for that video, Tal, you have told me so much about's good to put a face to him ! I can understand and admire at least some of his troubles. And, I wish him the best !

  • talesin

    sooner ,,, ? :)) (that was for a friend ****,, who wanted to see it)

    wabbit! Hey, you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    If we can ever get the dvd unlocked, I'll be able to post some of his 'pre-swarming' stuff up to youtube, and we'll be able to actually burn it and get the package together.


  • punkofnice

    What a king amongst men Devlin is.

    I've never seen one of those strumming devices on a guitar before.

    I'm not familiar with the term 'squeegee kids' but did they ever catch the filth that did the robbery?

  • talesin

    Yes, he is! Inspires me every day. :))

    Squeegee kids wash people's windshield's at stop lights, for change. This particular one fled to a city about 5 hours away, and when Devlin's friends located him and notified the police, they said they didn't have the time or funding to pursue it ... you can bet your A$$ that if he was from a monied family, that guy would be rotting in jail as we speak!


    That is a one-of-a-kind device, designed by a retired engineer. He works with an organization that helps disabled musicians, be able to play.


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