Now that it's legal to be gay and married in New there anyone here that is actually planning on getting married? If so, what kind of products or companies would you be interestd in buying from? XD LOL sorry i had to ask!
So I'm curious
by Voices 10 Replies latest jw friends
???Whats one got to do with the other?..I'm confused (Usually)..
I started a topic on this on facebook. My question was if they get married in NY and then go to another state where gay marriage is not legal are they still married..?
Why would they agree that it is a legal marriage if it is only legal in the states that accept gay marriage? A regular marriage is legal in all states..why not the gay marriage too?
Will all insurance companies honor this marriage for insurance purposes?
Will their work companies allow them to be put on their health insurance? Even in another state that doesn't accept gay marriage?
If not why even bother?(For legal reasons)
Snoozy, I was wondering the same thing.
Come to New Zealand where people ""enjoy" civil unions which is a legal contract for a couple, gay or straight. It entails the same responsibilities and benefits as marriage (e.g., the couple can be legally viewed by hospitals as 'the next of kin' - a relationship not recognized previously by those who are unmarried) without the god-awful religious connotations.
White Dove
Strange question.
Snoozy, I've wondered the same thing.
If I'm sure that I wouldn't be moving out of state, I'd get married.
Otherwise, what's the point?
I guess there is the sentimentality involved, even if it's not legal.
So can we see Alabama and Kentucky following suit?
I think the other states need to get with the times. Up until 1967, interracial marriage was still illegal in some states. Now, I know a lot of interracial couples who are married. The same needs to happen with gay couples.
What I don't get is that they aren't hurting anyone, they aren't ruining the sanctity of marriage (that idea is total bullshit because we straight people did that all on our own), they are just trying to have the same rights that everyone else has because they are HUMAN and in LOVE. There's so much more to it than just the marriage itself and the state of being married. It's legal rights to have a say medically in their partner's health care, it's tax issues, etc.
There's no reason they should still be getting treated like second-class citizens.
So can we see Alabama and Kentucky following suit?
They prefer brother-in-law marriage if you know whut I mean, Vern.
???Whats one got to do with the other?..I'm confused (Usually)..
Snoozy: I'm an investor and am looking to find the next spike on the market. Something like this is huge, so i'm looking for stocks or companies specifically in NY that deal with this type of situation. Infact, I can easily say for the first month i have a feeling there's going to be a SPIKE on certain stocks specifically for the business involved directly with this legalization. Their Earnings will go through the roof..and for a short while it will SEEM as if they are making more money which might be a good idea to capitalize off of it. that's why =) It's not always the case, but It is worth noting. I'm a Peter Lynch Type investor. I don't do the whole 'BUY BUY BUY SELL SELL SELL' ...I look for oppertunities...and his philisophy is 'If people have the latest fad (no pun intended...i don't mean the OTHER f word.) it the new ipod, leggings for women, latlest mp3 player or whatever...the earnings and sales will go through the roof and the market usually will follow suit (not always) i said, you gotta follow the entire picture... the long term debt...p/e ratio... E/p ratio etc..etc.. that's why I asked.
This is too good to pass up....the problem is, i just don't know which companies are going to be supporting this. I can't just type 'gay marriage support' i'm thinking about new york catering businesses that might break out a huge profit just within the firs tmonth. After'l settle down like all the other 'fads'
For a while now all gay couples married outside the state were considered married here. The governor just issued an executive order to that effect. Now they can actually have their ceremony here, which is awesome.
I really would love to go to a gay wedding. It's history in the making; I've been lobbying for it for years....finally, New York State exits the Dark Ages! I don't have any gay friends I guess that won't be happening. :(