So God hates homosexuality? Well, then why does his organization (or so-called organization) do all it can to promote it? Anyone else notice that witlesses are too often paired in same-sex arrangements? You go to Beth Hell, you are paired with a same-sex roommate for extended periods. Join the Value Destroyer Training School? Your instructors are same-sex. (Same for other "schools(??)" where husband-and-wife are not the students.) The Pio-Sneer Assist Program paired same-sex partners to go door to door, for a prolonged period. (Usually, 6 months at a time.) They usually encourage same-sex pairings in field circus, except parents with children or husband and wife. Studies are also same-sex--any opposite sex study is handed to a witless of the same sex as the student. If this isn't enough to promote latent homosexuality, I don't know what is.
And an experience I nearly had to go through would have created a situation that they claim God hates. The dingbat that dragged me into the cancer (same sex) became too attached to me (or, what he could get out of me) and wanted me to move into an apartment complex he was starting a new job managing around 8 months into my study. Besides encouraging him to get sexually involved with me, at least when he felt he could get away with it, it would have exposed me to having him inviting his nephew and getting me involved. (At the time, his nephew was 8 years old.) Without having actually made that move, it is impossible for me to say conclusively whether or not anything of the sort would have happened. But, any risk created by the organization that claims to hate homosexuality would be too much.
Besides the blatant hypocrisy, why would a just god hate someone displaying a mere symptom? Homosexuality is nothing more than a symptom. Whether it be a genetic disorder (or merely a genetic trait), the result of too much fluoride or BPA's ingested in childhood, laziness, or poor emotional development (which the witless structure actually generates), homosexuality is merely a symptom. Trying to "cure" it is futile. And, if it is genetic or a result of pesticide or plastic pollution early on, "curing" it is going to be impossible. Any god that will not accept it in those situations is merely unjust. And, any god that will happily create conditions during youth (including holding people back from growing up) that create homosexuality as a symptom, and then bash the homosexuality, is blaming the victim. Either way, it is totally unjust to hate what you have created or helped an organization create.