My JW Family Are A Bunch of Liars!

by itscrap&theyknowit! 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • itscrap&theyknowit!

    I just had to put that out there. They have done so much behind my back since I nolonger want to be a part of the organization. My one sister has a SEVERE hatred, coupled with jealousy, for me. She has been talking to my husband against me for years. I have brought this to her attention. Well, last year, I looked at my husband's text messages and noticed YET AGAIN, she's been texting my husband. I didn't feel the need to bring it up but, have removed myself....not dealing with her and not even calling her 'sister'.

    Long story shot - my mom, one of my brothers and one of my sisters have been talking to my husband. I confronted Mom about it because she is part of the negativity, as well. I tell her why I have not confronted my sister AGAIN about going behind my back. I don't feel the need to hear all the lies again. The 4 of THEM have a fortress against me (mom, brother, sister and my dumb-a$$ husband). They stick together and will deny me to the end. I'm nolonger a JW and I respect that.

    My sister calls me this past Friday with the, "we need to talk" crap. She says, "she's hearing from all talk from different ones that I have a problem with her." I told her she KNOWS why I have a problem with her....I don't trust her or any of them for AGAIN going behind my back and telling lies. I let her talk, of course, she DENIES EVERYTHING. I just sat there and looked at her. I don't have time for this mess AGAIN.

    Well, it comes back to me that my sister basically ripped me to shreds! I am livid!!!!

    Should I leave it alone or should I AGAIN cuss everybody out?

    They are crazed liars and will not leave me alone. I'm tired of they're drama...LYING ALL THE TIME TO COVER THEIR A$$'!!!!

  • itscrap&theyknowit!

    ..."THEIR DRAMA" (last paragraph)

  • WontLeave

    The little thought bubble in the top, right corner will let you edit for 30 minutes.

    Cults love the strength of numbers, which is why they congregate. JWs use the scripture in Hebrews to validate it, but that's a ruse. When someone insulates themselves from the real world and only surrounds themselves with like-minded people, it's like immersing one's self in a language. The subtle nuances and unspoken emotional aspects of cult mentality can't be taught, they can only be absorbed. This is good and bad: Unless you repeatedly expose yourself to the cult mindset, it won't easily rub off on you; at the same time, it's virtually impossible to identify to outsiders as evidence they're all nuts.

    This is belief by committee and the vote is 4:1; you lost. This is how organized religion determines what is and isn't true, rather than evidence. The nuttier and less based in reality a cult is, the more they need to appeal to the authority of their leaders and appeal to the popularity within their closed group. Information control of the cult doesn't even allow them to know what the alternatives are or how nutty their stances are, in comparison.

  • itscrap&theyknowit!

    Thanks, WONTLEAVE.

    I didn't know I could redact.

    You're right, 4:1. The lies just make my head spin!!!! They just won't leave me alone. The way I see it, they need a way to 'validate' themselves. I keep my household quiet and undisturbed with all this BULL. They don't want to look bad in my eyes since I have exposed them. It's waaaay to late. I was only keeping ties (with a 100 foot pole) because our Dad just passed away.

    At this point, I will meet with them to 'uninvite' them formally. That way that can continue to talk amongst themselves and not EVER bother me again.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Your husband stands with his in-laws against his own wife?

    Sounds like a jerk to me, regardless of cult mind control.

  • fokyc


    So typical! I have spent many years listening to and suffering from JW lies.

    The elders in my wifes cong are expert liars of the first order!

    I believe they hold schools in lying; perhaps incorporated in/with elders schools?

  • itscrap&theyknowit!

    @Mad Sweeney - Yes. One of the MANY reasons why my marriage is over. My husband has ALWAYS been a B-I-***.

    @fokyc- I believe it more than ever now! Witnesses are trained to lie. Once you want to leave because of 'exposing' the liars, then, there is an ALL OUT attack against you.

    I am feeling the heat from my nolonger being a part of the Borg.

  • carla

    If you really want your sister to quit texting your husband write the society in NY. Tell them how you wish you could work things out blah, blah, blah but your jw sister keeps interfering and texting your husband. The elders refuse to correct her blah, blah, blah. Your husband is a weeny and... oops, just say he is trying to remain humble and meek..... anyway, just write them and tell them how unchristian she and your family is behaving and gossiping that it makes you so ill you cannot even make it to a meeting anymore... sob, sob, sob.... and the elders are no help at all.....they have all stumbled you. That should get the family to give you a few weeks/months of peace anyway. Until you get the third degree of why you are not going still? but cross that bridge when it comes.

    Wishing you a bit of peace.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    My advice would be to record/print/copy every exchange. Don't cuss them out. Collect your evidence and put it before the court. Divorce court if that's the case.

    Do you think there is anything that can ever repair with your family? Otherwise, you need to get these toxic people out of your life.

  • ABibleStudent

    Hi itscrap&theyknowit!. I am sorry to read about your situation. It sounds like you need to talk with someone. Is their an exjw group that meets near you? Do you know about Make a plan about what you want to do, and then follow your plan. It sounds like you need to make some "Worldly" friends, may be see a therapist to help you and your marriage (if you want), go to school to get a better paying job, and go have some fun.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


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