Snakes, Legs—Visualizing with a purpose

by Marvin Shilmer 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    Snakes, Legs—Visualizing with a purpose

    Today I uploaded a new article to my blog. It is about those pesky legs in Eden. It’s common knowledge that Eve had legs, but for years and years Watchtower also taught that the serpent had legs. So, were they are weren’t they, and what to do when thinking of the scene?

    For a new take on this old subject see my article Snakes, Legs—Visualizing with a purpose available at:

    Believe me. It's worth the look!

    Marvin Shilmer

  • Magwitch

    A very risqué picture - who needed the Sears Robuck catalog when they had that?

  • sizemik

    No wonder Eve got conned . . . that little bugger is just too cute! . . . kinda like an infant Godzilla.

    Nice breasts BTW . . . the bro that drew those deserves public reproof and 6 months loss of privileges

    And what's the forbidden fruit? . . . giant raspberries?

    No belly-buttons on show . . . excellent . . . I love historical accurracy in my fairy stories

  • No Room For George
    No Room For George

    It looks like a small Komodo Dragon. So they used to draw breasts with diamond cutter nipples on Eve back then, interesting. LOL Sizemik and the belly-buttons.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    Sizemik writes:

    “No belly-buttons on show”

    To tell you the God’s-honest-truth you are the first person who noticed that and said something to me about it. In fact, I don’t recall noticing that myself!

    For some reason (or reasons) others must not have noticed that particular detail. Either that, or they were too busy putting themselves in the moment.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • undercover
    No belly-buttons on show . . . excellent . . . I love historical accurracy in my fairy stories

    Oh, man... I actually remember JWs having "theological discussions" about whether Adam and Eve actually had belly buttons since they were "created" instead of "born of woman"....

    Thanks for the trip down memory lane... LOL

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Riches, 1936

    No navels shown and Satan has hooves

    Shouldn't that be histerical accurracy, Sizemik?

  • Twitch

    "I don't know about knowing the difference between good and evil, but I just saved a bundle on my car insurance,.."

  • sizemik
    or they were too busy putting themselves in the moment.

    LOL . . . I must confess to taking another "moment" when Miz mentioned those diamond-cutter nipples . . .

    But Jeeez Black Sheep . . . I'm starting to wonder if I actually exist, as Adam has no discernable penis. Although . . . he was yet to have a shag relations so maybe that came later . . . kinda like "pin the tail on the donkey" maybe.

    Accurate or not . . . that is hysterical.

  • transhuman68

    LOL. That's from 'The truth shall make you free'. You can download this funny picture book from here:

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