Hey EP, sounds perfectly legit to me... ROFL
by gutted 33 Replies latest jw friends
Hey EP, sounds perfectly legit to me... ROFL
I viewed it less as a 'void' and more as a 'framework.'
With the witnesses, your framework is laid out for you: meetings, service, responsibilities, the 'new system' to solve all your problems you choose to ignore....
In my new personal framework, education is playing a major role. For me it seems to be a perfect fit, but everyone's different.
i didn't leave i was disfellowshipped.how to fill the void.i go to bed early in the evening.waking up as late as 2pm.read books,watch tv.then go to sleep at 4pm.waking up at 2pm and the cycle repeats itself.
Thoughts of "the void" are what's keeping me stuck in this religion. I don't know about anyone else here, but I find I'm completely socially awkward outside of the JW environment. Within the congregation I have no issues introducing myself to new people, entertaining, organizing social events etc. But I don't think I would know where to begin when it comes to non JW's. I feel like the whole idea of "worldy people" being off limits as friends is too deeply engrained in my mind.
Recently, we hung out with my aunt and uncle and their kids - just me and my husband and son. This was the first time we had ever done that (Normally, the only time we would see them would be at a big family get together, with my parents and sisters there as well). We had a great time, and it's a step in the right direction.
I'm sorry, I'm not sure if this really answered your question. I'm just trying to say "I get it".
I am not technically "out", so I'm not sure I'm qualified to add my opinion, but qualifications don't stop most people from posting here, so...
I started really researching the Bible and reading it - you know, as if it were a book. I tend to be introspective and detail-oriented, so what might be tedious to most is fun for me. From what I've seen of most JWs, getting off the treadmill would be a huge relief. My lifestyle never lent itself to being overwhelmed by JW demands and my personality never allowed me to be ordered around. I also saw through the very human requirements: service hours, underlining, meeting and convention attendance, etc. I have had horrible experiences with JWs on a personal level, so I never got any JW false friends. My JW family members are all trash, so no loss if something happens and they shun me; I more or less already shun them.
I think most people, when they realize it's all so phony, they just walk away. They might be more mature and confident to just put it totally behind them, which is why we don't see many on forums like this. We see the people who can't let go. For some reason, I feel I need to warn JWs, so I hang around. I always loved preaching about God and His Word, and maybe I always will. The only thing that's really changed is my target audience.
Oh gosh. How to fill the void...I was in college and raising two kids by myself, so there was no void to fill.
Rather, leaving allowed me to have the proper amount of time for college and family.
Really, if you do the WTS job right, it takes about a part to full time job worth of hours.
Imagine reallocating that much time to those things you really need to get done but couldn't.
The average person, I'm guessing, works full time, then add the JW required hours for all those activities, and you are really working two full time jobs.
Right now I've taken up reading the JW Bible (cuz I know it better than other Bibles) in Spanish to learn the language better.
As per Bethel style of reading cover to cover, I'm ripping out the pages as I go so as to see my progress.
I'm going to ask my boss for a Bible Story book in Spanish.
So, to fill the void that you personally have?
Relax, indulge in entertainment of this old sick world.
It's fun!
Women & Relationships
I went back to school. I had a career, got married, and had four children who will never know what it's like to be on the inside. In other word, I got a life.
I had no problem, no void, or feeling of one.
I studied, philosophy, the Bible, the history of many things, I have always been an avid reader, and more time to read was a wonderful bonus.
I have always , well for thirty years, been a keen player of flat green bowls, the "Old Farts" game, and you can fill 7 days a week with that if you want, so I now play a lot more than I ever did as a J.W My game has improved as I knew it would.
I can now play anytime, before I had to refuse a lot of competitions etc, it was frustrating.
I always felt more comfortable with "worldly" people (what a silly usage) than with J.W's and so it is no problem socially and making new friends etc.
Normal people (I prefer normal to worldly) do not judge you all the time, you don't have to watch your language or what jokes you make or laugh at etc etc.
Born in I may have been, but not genetically disposed to be a JW I guess, I never really felt I fitted in to any great degree.
Life outside the bubble is great, I'm Me, I'm Free and I'm Happy. (thanks to another poster for that slogan)
Online research is far more enlightening, about many subjects, than sitting in a Kingdumb Hell and reading your Asleep! rag.