If He is the Lord God Almighty, Solely the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe, why the need for a name other than that? Doesn't monotheism require belief that the other, named gods worshipped by the pagans don't exist in a place beyond the imaginations of their worshippers? Why then the need for a name, if it isn't to reinforce a differentiation between Him and lesser gods?
Why Does God Need A Name Anyway?
by Room 215 18 Replies latest jw friends
nancy drew
i never understood why it was such a big deal.
Band on the Run
Naming someone in Middle Eastern societies means describing their essence. YHWH is unfortunate. I AM WHAT I AM denotes a refusal to be named, rather than a name. I AM is not John, Henry, William, Mark, Matthew. YHWY seems to lose steam as the Bible progresses. Does anyone think of the God who created the universe and all that is in it and beyond, the usual Hayden Platenarium show and think of YHWH.
Jesus does not seem to talk about YHWH. His God is not a tribal god but God all that is seen and unseen.
The verse the Witnesses use for their name is obscure. As is most of their doctrine. I would never want to witness to YHWH, slaughterer of millions, willing to slaughter billions upon billions more, traumatizer of Isaac - and Abraham. Abraham and Isaac sums it up neatly. David can murder and retain his harem. Tell his concubine it is their place in the world. Or tell his wives fighting with each other. Imagine Big Love on steroids.
David prob. never existed.
I will witness to Jesus, a god worth worshipping. Someome to give us life and abundantly so. The Witnesses could go with YHWY or Jesus but not both. They chose YHWH. The pathology is summed up in that choice. Choose the god of fear and death, not love and grace. The Bad Shepherd rather than the Good Shepherd.
Mad Sweeney
God needs a name for the same reason he needs a starship.
To echo BOTR, when Moses asked God his name, God answered " I AM that I AM", which is a nie way to put: "It's enough that I am, I don't need no stinking name" !
The issue is the we forget that the bible was a "work in progress" it was God being revealed as it progressed, cumulating in Christ.
There wasn't a "god of the OT named YHWH" and a God of the NT, there is only One God and he reveals Himself to Us in His WORD and Son Christ.
The OT was a stepping stone in that path of revelation, nothing more, nothing less.
The spoken word has real power. There are various names for God to be used in meditation and the study of Kabbalah. But if you think God is a Skydaddy and not something internal to yourself, none of the names will help you.....
Esoteric Hebrew Names of God
I think you will enjoy this essay: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/211731/1/but-did-you-know-that-God-has-a-name-A-personal-name-Nine-Billion-of-them
Room 215
"Abba, Father" seemed good enough for Jesus...
when Moses asked God his name, God answered " I AM that I AM",
That's not entirely accurate, dear PSacto (the greatest of love and peace to you, dear one!). The Most Holy One of Israel did NOT say "I am that I am" as "someone" mistranslated the words to mean. When Moses asked what name to give, when the children of Israel demanded a name, the Most Holy One of Israel said to him:
"h'JAH, h'JAH".
Which translates to... "Jah, Who Breathes/Creates Breath/Causes Breath to Become, Jah, Who Breathes/Creates Breath/Causes Breath to Become." Which means, "JAH, who breathes, from whom all breath (of life) comes forth."
Which is why He later further identified Himself to Moses as "Jah...VeH": JAH, who breathes armies into life/whose breath causes armies to come forth," etc.
It is not Yahweh; it is Jah... Veh. JAH... of Armies.
There really aren't any words in Hebrew that specifically state "I am". The connotation is by the description. Although the Most Holy One of Israel did NOT say "I am JAH, who breathes...", the connotation is that He is... and therefore said, "[I am] JAH, who breathes..."
The "I AM" (alone) was used millenia later when certain men concluded that the name of the Most Holy One of Israel was too sacred to utter... and removed it. Others put it back, others re-removed it, etc., etc.
The Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies, gave His name to Moses for 2 reasons: first, because the Israelites had lived for centuries among the Egyptians, who had various gods of various names. They had forgotten the name of JAH (which was brought to Egypt by Joseph) because after Joseph's death no one took up the "staff". Until Moses. Second, because Pharaoh would get to know which god had demanded Israel's release, which he (Pharaoh) denied. The error wasn't in failing to release Israel, but in failing to LISTEN to the Most Holy One of Israel... by failing to listen to Moses.
I hope this helps and, as always, the greatest of love and peace to you and your household!
YOUR servant, sister, and fellow slave of Christ,
J. Hofer
i remember reading that part of the bible where it says "at that time the people started to call god 'jehovah'" or something along the line. one of my "favourite" "brothers" gave a talk about it and explained that they didn't worship god right... but i don't remember the reasoning...