I am just curious if you guys left jw's and now worship in some other relgion or worship in your own way? Have you sworn off organized religion ? If you have not sworn off organized religion then i wonder what relgion seems to be the right one for you guys? Just curious is all :)
After leaving Jw's did you go into another religion or serv. god ur own way?
by average joe 31 Replies latest watchtower bible
I woke up, realised god was a myth and started living my life without fearing a lie.
J. Hofer
when you already are examining it all, why stop at leaving the JW mindset? might as well go all the way and realize that there's noone who could possible know more about god(s) than yourself. what, god didn't talk to you? then why do you think god talked to other people? are they better than yourself? nah... biblegod says he wants to be tested. go ahead and test. i wonder if you get any response...
Hi Joe, welcome. I don't know if you posted a hello post, but I see you are fairly new.
I left when I realized I no longer believed in a god at all. Still, I felt the loss of community. It's nice to be part of a group that helps you be the best you can be---without telling you what that best is. I go to a Unitarian Universalist church for that reason. They really don't care what you believe, or if you believe--the bible is not their text. So I consider myself a humanist and interested in social justice and ethics. I found a group of people with a huge range of beliefs, atheists, agnostics, wiccans, pagans, buddhists, christians--what ever-- that support me in those endeavors.
I believe in God my own way. Because of the indoctrination, I never could get myself to join another religion.
I feel exactly the same straightshooter. My husband would love if we could go to a different church. I'm not sure I could stomach listening to anything they'd try to teach me. I love lessons (sermons, talks, discussions, whatev) on how to treat your neighbor and how to live a good life. But anything else and my brain shuts off. Argueing doctrines and facts seems so overwhelming and boring at the same time.
My faith in both God and the Bible is alive and well. My belief in organized religion has gone the way of the dinosaur. I want nothing more to do with it. That doesn't mean I don't respect the faith of those who are in one or that I don't believe organized religion doesn't do some good for people. But after more than thirty years' association with Jehovah's Witnesses, I'm done with any kind of church.
I worship God as a free-thinking atheist.
In at 13 out at 23. I became a non believer, just like Santa Claus you grow up and put aside childlike beliefs. I am a gentle cynic about religion any religion. That was 45 years ago and I am still growing and learning and still feel the same way.
Polyatheist and also don't collect stamps.