It's soooo hot!

by talesin 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    Am I the only one that doesn't want a cold drink in the summer? Nothing like a good hot coffee! Not too familiar with fibromyalgia but you would think heat would be a good thing, then again, I probably don't know what I'm talking about...

    I'm with OTWO - the heat and humidity is so short-lived, I absolutly bask in it - 35C? BRING IT ON!!

  • talesin

    good hot coffee

    I agree ,,, or tea

  • talesin

    nancy, that sounds like perfect weather ... :)

    TD --- yes, but I miss the AC more than the bills ... (hehe, missing my cool)


  • White Dove
    White Dove

    It was 108 F. today and will be 117 F. on Saturday.

    Everyone in Phoenix, AZ lives from a/c to a/c.

    This kind of weather lasts about 3-4 months out of the year.

    It's the law here to have an a/c in every apt. and houses must be built with them.

    People are still dying here, though, due to self neglect and idiocy.

    Some of them drop like flies when climbing the little rocks here called mountains (Camelback Mountain and others).

    I'm sipping on tomato soup with cheese in it.

    Sometimes, the temp. does put the a/c to the test.

    Must walk dogs (long exercise walks) at night and bring water bottles.

  • talesin

    ADD - that is beautiful country ,, lots of woodland ... ahhh

    GLT - swamp cooler - nope, you lost me on that one --- AC not my strong point :)

    still ... hmm, yes, just about the middle of winter there, right?

    glander --- "Close everything up at dawn and draw all window coverings" YES! works for me

  • talesin

    OTWO -- I hear ya, but will allow myself a teeny allowance to whine about the heat/humidity ... ;)

  • talesin

    WD--- oh my, far too hot! it must be difficult for the poor ... the desert is beautiful, though ..

  • Snoozy

    Between 85 and 98 degrees here in Mo. I am on the bottom floor of my condo' electric bill is never over $80. Most of the time it is $30. - $40. a month. I have the air conditioning on most of the time but it doesn't run all the of the finer points of being on the lower level..but the steps will get you!.

    I remember when the kids were little back in the 60;s. It was in the 100's. Before AC..We had the big box fans going all over the house and we kept the blinds closed and the windows was so hot you could hardly breathe..
    Our back yard had a lot of shade and the kids and I would fill their kiddie pool and lay in it to cool off..

    People talk about the good old days but that wasn't included..I love AC in the hot summer!

    I earned it!!!!!


    ps wanted to add that we are supposed to get a cool spell and noticed it is only 77 out now.

  • Hortensia

    I had 18 years in the Palm Springs, CA, area. Three months of weather over 100 degrees, much of it over 110. I remember one day it was 128 degrees and I went outside to take a little walk in it as an experiment. I felt addled for a month. I noticed a lot of other people did too. Now I live in the mountains. Even when it's 100 degrees outside, which is seldom, it's still 60 degrees or less at night. Love love love it. Had enough of unrelenting sunshine in Palm Springs.

  • Glander

    Hortensia, you have a PM

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