Jerry Bergman v PZ Myers Debate

by cofty 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sizemik
    I remember him saying toward the end of the conference that NOBODY has every contested his talks at the places he has been invited to give them.

    Says a lot about his friends OTWO . . .

    Actually . . . I thought he wrote a fairly good article on Mental Health among JW's. But he's definitely a fish up a tree on this one.

  • Abaddon

    Bergman has posted here in the past (his name was his log-in). I think he ran away from a discussion we were having when I asked him about Bristlecone pines. He is also evasive, as he never gave a straight answer when questioned about his beliefs. He is very convinced of his own cleverness, but is pretty much not worth the effort as he's so insubstantial.

  • nicolaou

    Bergmans opinion of atheists as stated on this forum; " They lack morals, honesty, compassion and often a sense of humanity. " You'll find that in his 'Abiogenesis' thread (which you were great in btw Abaddon).

    Topics started at JWN by Jerry Bergman

  • OnTheWayOut

    Excerpted from "I have often wondered if many people would be better off if they stayed Witnesses. Some people I have known have really gone off the deep end after they left the Watchtower. Most all of my family have left now (not due to me as I was cut off from them for years) and many others I know who have left are now bitter atheists or have become pagans and worship stones or new ageers playing with crystals. Also, as time goes by, I am finding some of the WT ideas have some truth in them. I have been a lay speaker and Sunday school teacher in the Methodist Church for many years (And have been a member for 17 years now, almost as long as I was a Witness) and I find many in the church don't have a clue as to basic Christian morality. Many young people are or were fornicators and adulterers and this should not surprise one. I have, in 17 years, never heard even one sermon in this church condemning adultery (although I have given one). We had a controversy recently related to this. Our last pastor (a great guy, a Harvard grad and a Ph.D.) said he would not marry persons with one address (they could live together and fornicate all they wished, they just could not flaunt it) and some condemned him for intolerance! In my college teaching we cover the health problems of promiscuous sexual behavior ( it's a major killer) and the problem is as bad in churched as unchurched people. Morals just are not taught in many churches, thus members end up with a large number of broken marriages and all kind of health problems." So it would seem that everyone except Jerry Bergman is flawed. You have bitter atheists, pagans, and terrible sinners within the church not being properly disciplined by the lectures unless Jerry Bergman is delivering them. This is not someone I will take seriously.

  • Abaddon

    nicolaou: I re-read that old thread. Have to confess I laughed, both at what I said AND at myself. Boy, I really can get on one sometimes. There is an xckd cartoon of this guy pounding a keyboard and his girlfriend asking him if he's coming to bed, to which he replies he can't, as "someone on the internet is wrong!" Maybe I have grown up a little in eight years, lol. Maybe.

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