Why doesn't God just take a vote?

by Terry 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Rocky_Girl

    Haha @ sir82 - I love that increasingly inaccurately named Hitchhiker's Trilogy.

  • PSacramento
    If a booming voice out of the sky that sounds like James Earl Jones on steroids went, "I am who I am", first after cleaning my underwear and collecting my composure, I'd promptly do whatever HE wants at that point. Until then, the jury is still deliberating.

    There's your answer Terry, or part of it anyways.

    There would still be an element that would tell God where to go, even Revelation makes note that after 1000 years of peace under Christ that some will still rebel when Satan is let lose again.

  • dgp

    Why does God have to do things the convoluted way? For example, why send his son (or not, according to others) to die on a cross/torture stake if he could just forgive? Why create man and woman knowing full well they would not stay in the Garden of Eden?

  • Terry

    Take a vote on what?

    Okay, I see the problem now!

  • pedal power
    pedal power

    Intresting point Tel, but who would get to vote ? This might sound flipant but here in UK, we had an Empire until Women got the Vote, only kidding{ sort of } didnt the society at one point allow the cong to vote for who would be Elders ? Then WE became a theocracy, that meant only elders could vote, would everyone get a vote ? determining factors, age, sex ect, who would organise it ? not JW,s surely, then who would be on the ballet sheet, JHWH, jesus, Mohammed, Allah Satan. Would Jesus be Jehovahs campaign manager ? or the other way around ? the trinity would wreak havoc in that vote, 1 in 3, 3 in one.........

  • Terry

    I was thinking of a Fireside Chat with Jehovah laying it out (the true story) as a choice or decision of obedience or whatever.

    There is a story of the Alamo in which a line was drawn in the dirt. One side meant you went off on your own and didn't have to continue

    officially as a soldier fighting the Mexican army of Santa Ana. The other side was a commitment for loyalty to Texas or Travis or Houston or whatever the hell it was they were fighting for.

    Decisive vote.

    HONK if you love Jesus!

  • FirstLastName

    Because for God to allow a vote would mean he believes in Democracy - and I am pretty sure he rules by Totalitarianism.

  • unshackled

    Before voting, I'd ask that God why he made our ass the perfect height for kicking.

  • PSacramento
    Before voting, I'd ask that God why he made our ass the perfect height for kicking.

    and why a pat in the back is only a foot away from a kick in the ass !

  • unshackled

    Touché PSac....you kicked my ass there. ;-)

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