Does this tell us how desperate they are to paint those who leave as evil??

by therevealer 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • therevealer

    In THE WATCHTOWER ? JULY 15, 2011 15 This is how they portray ones who simply leave after seeing the light. But notice how before the article ends they move on to Satan and his wicked world. It is almost like they can see how silly the claims they make about those who leave are.

    4 To elders of the Ephesus congregation, Paul said: "From among you yourselves men will rise and speak twisted things." Addressing fellow Christians, Peter wrote: "There will also be false teachers among you." So from where do false teachers come? They may arise from within the congregation. Such ones are apostates._ What do they want? They are not content just to leave the organization that they perhaps once loved. Their aim, Paul explained, is "to draw away the disciples after themselves."Note the definite article in the expression "the disciples." Rather than going out and making their own disciples, apostates seek to take Christ's disciples with them. Like "ravenouswolves," false teachers are out to devour trusting members of the congregation, destroying their faith and leading them away from the truth.-Matt. 7:15; 2 Tim. 2:18. 5 How do false teachers operate? Their methods reveal a cunning spirit. Apostates "quietly bring in" corruptive ideas. Like _ smugglers, they operate in a clandestine manner, subtly introducing apostate views. And just as a clever forger tries to pass phony documents, so apostates use "counterfeit words," or false arguments, trying to pass their fabricated views as if they were true. They spread "deceptive teachings," "twisting . . . the Scriptures" to fit their own ideas. (2 Pet. 2:1, 3, 13; 3:16) Clearly, apostates do not have our best interests at heart. Following them would only divert us from the road that leads to eternal life.

    * "Apostasy" is a standing away from true worship, a falling away, defection, rebellion, abandonment.

  • Ding

    False arguments, deceptive teachings, twisting the Scriptures...

    Anyone else notice that the WTS is accusing "apostates" of doing the very things that they do themselves?

  • NewChapter

    OOOO---"cunning spirit". They sure give us lots and lots of credit. LOL

  • jeckle

    they are the apostates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • ABibleStudent

    Let's see! I'm a Christian because I serve Our Father by following the teachings of Jesus Christ as written in the Bible and guided by the Holy Spirit. JWs say they serve Our Father, Jehovah, and read all of the Bible, but they follow whatever is written by the WTBTS instead of what is written in the Bible. So, who is the apostate according to the Bible? This has got to be a trick question for JWs.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


    P.S. - I am also a sinner, because I have not been perfect. Hopefully, I am getting better.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    "No passion so effectually robs the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning as fear."
    -- Edmund Burke

    Fear is the watchtower weapon of traps its followers in a never ending circle of trying to save themselves and everyone else...not out of love...but fear.

  • Joey Jo-Jo
    Joey Jo-Jo

    Apostates were people who speak against the teachings of Moses, I guess we all are apostates then. But they mean the english dictionary version of apostates, one that is not mentioned in the bible, then how can they support this idea of shunning when its not scriptural, and how can one just leave without being shut down by their family?

    But you know what, you can see who ever wrote this knows wb&ts is a false prophet because they are using so much twisted propaganda its not funny anymore, they know what they are writting does not make any logical sense, its not in scripture and if they are the truth then why are they so scared? Can they open their bibles and explain why Russell used pyramidology, why Rutherford told everyone in 1942 for every couple to abstain from having children, why Rutherford said he's gods mouth piece and how the bible supports this view of some organization that started in the late 18th century to be gods mouth piece, why their old KJV differs from the NWT..... Its simple, they can't and ITS A CULT.

  • Alwayshere

    They give a true picture of their own self in that article.

  • sd-7

    They assert that they are all Christ's disciples, and yet if you reject the MEN who lead this cult, you're no longer a disciple of CHRIST. How does that work, exactly? Well, as Paul said, they measure themselves by themselves, so it gains them nothing.

    The other thing, they tell you to fear too much education, to fear making too much money, to fear everything and everyone outside of the religion. They expect you to die today based on something that could change tomorrow with the stroke of a pen. So who's looking out for your best interests? Them? They look out for their own interests first, and everybody else takes a back seat.

    Also, they mentioned 'false arguments', 'twisting the scriptures', etc. Do they have any specific examples to submit of this sort of behavior? It might help people to watch out for these devious smugglers if they had some idea what kind of stuff they might teach or say. Not presenting the opposing position and name-calling are propaganda techniques by the Society's own admission, I believe it's the June 1, 2000 Awake!, isn't it? So you say these apostates are so dangerous, but you leave your followers ill-equipped to refute their reasoning. I guess it's easier to avoid the debate than to provide sound logic for why you're right. Assuming you can.

    "Rather than make their own disciples"... So is that what the Society has done, make their own disciples? I guess the term "their own disciples" is only used when referring to anyone other than the Society, which presumably is making "Christ's disciples". All while placing their future rulership and current position as being EQUAL to Christ. I've yet to meet an 'apostate' who has made such grandiose claims. Why is that?

    To answer the question, yes, this is desperation, but it's actually similar to stuff they probably wrote in the '80s after all that stuff at Bethel. So it's just a rehashing of the same stuff, but probably being brought up again because of the Internet. I did a thread on this article myself awhile ago. I wonder if this same material is referenced at the convention as well.


  • therevealer

    Just to add a bit on how deceptive they are and I think it is totally knowingly. How many who leave (become apostates in their think) fit the picture painted in that article?? And when those that leave talk about what is wrong with the cult they don't bring in corruptive ideas. They bring up stuff that the society has said and published, stuff that is totally embarassing, not some outside thoughts and teachings.

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