I called the number AlanF listed, 718-560-5000 and got a woman on the phone who said "Hello--Oh, I mean, Jehovah's Witnesses". I asked to speak to Ciro Aucilino and she transferred me!!!! I must have called Brooklyn!!
Another woman came on and asked who I was, I identified myself as "Tina", which is my name. No last name given.
An older sounding, very friendly man came on the line. I asked if this was Ciro Aucilino. He said yes.
I said I just was able to read a speak he gave---he groaned and said, "Ohhh".
He asked who I was? Am I a witness? "I used to be" I said.
I asked about the UN. He said he had nothing to say and I would have to look the info up on the JW website.
I then asked about disfellowshipping. He said that info too was on the web site.
He then said he would not speak to me and I should go to the local elders if I had questions.
He hung up.
I cannot believe it!!! I never imagined someone would answer, let alone speak to me. I was unprepared and really nervous.
Too scary!! I feel like I need a bath!