Leave me alone.I need my space don't you?

by Mindchild 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • lydia

    1.) I enjoy having lots of friends - but only a few that are close - 3 or 4 maybe...
    2.)I spend at least 12 to 14 hours a day with others - thats only when they are awake - its called being a parent
    3.) Idea time I'd like to interact - I like about 12 hours - then I can get cranky if not given a bit of time - like a bathroom break..without interuptions...
    4.) How long without anyone..hummmm well I have managed about 15 minutes of time to myself - then I start woder what they have gotten into that is keeping themso very quiet...
    - seriously - I ike a few hours before I get lonely ..unless I'm reading a really good book or quilting...
    5.)I enjoy having people around all the time..especially on the weekend..[:)}

    Hope that helps...

  • Prisca

    1. Do you enjoy having a lot of friends to interact frequently with face to face? I prefer quality over quantity.

    2. Not counting your sleep time, how much time do you typically spend with others each day? 9 hours

    3. What is the ideal amount of time each day you would like to interact with others face to face? 2 hours

    4. How long do you have to be by yourself before you feel lonely? A week

    5. Do you enjoy interacting with people each day or would you rather just hang out with people for a longer period like during the weekend?
    Weekend is enough for me.

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