Could a Cult personality be someone's Authentic Personality

by cantleave 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Snoozy

    Until a person is strong enough to believe in their own decision making abilities they will continue to let some organization or person make their decisions for's a copout for a weak personality ..

    Some people are even happy that way..

    That's why counseling helps so many cult gives them the strength to believe in themselves and their decision making abilities


    I also wanted to add that when subjected to the worst abuse (verbal or physical) it can turn a strong man/woman into a cowering wimp..

  • sizemik

    I would probably agree that some personalities lend themselves more readily to cult membership . . . and so the "overlaying" of the cult persona is more easily achieved. But I would also ask . . . is this the genuine personality of such a person? In my experience, the personality type is damaged goods anyway . . . and so not necessarily their true personality to begin with. Being in the cult relieves them of having to find more creative and demanding ways to "find themselves".

  • wobble

    I think an individuals personality is determined by two factors, your genetic makeup, and your environment.

    I think the genes are stronger than the envirionment, hence we see people that are much nicer personalities than they should be, in theory, when you look at the influences on them during their life.

    I think my oldest sister may have the cult personality as her "genuine" one, I have not seen any evidence to the contrary, my other sister, though over sixty years in, and full time pio. for over forty years, not so much.

    Me, I don't think I inherited any thing much religious gene wise, I just inherited the "Awkward gene", hence I never took on the cult personality.

    My, B.I. Law ( oldest sis's husband ) said as much, as a kind of insult, that I had never been a 100% JW, I said "You are right, thank you !" he looked puzzled that I took it as a compliment.

    I think most J.W's have a genuine personality, buried and hidden, at least whilst they are around other JW's, it is just waiting to be released though.

    Edited to add, I seem to have repeated my previous post, on page one, which I had forgotten about (silly old bugger ain't I?) but it does underline what a right royal pain in the ass my Culty Uber-Dub oldest sister is.

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