If you are afraid to join the forum and enter discussions, believe me -- we understand.
If you're feeling all alone, this message is especially for you.
Sometimes people refrain from joining and posting because certain posts or threads really upset or offend them. Or maybe you're reluctant to jump in because you see interesting threads get hijacked or go off in all sorts of confusing directions and you don't want that to happen to you.
If that's you, I suggest you join and start with private messages (PMs) instead. Doing it that way, you can correspond one-on-one with posters you feel most comfortable with.
How do you choose who to PM? Look through posts on various threads. Pick out 1-3 posters whose comments you like best, people who seem the most caring and share what you consider to be the best insights or discuss things you'd like to explore in greater depth.
Then send them a PM. If you don't get a reply in a couple of days, post a simple thread in which you tell that person you have sent them a PM. Then keep checking your own PM page for their reply.
You don't have to share personal or identifying info in PMs if you don't want to. Let your correspondent know what topics you want to discuss and what you want to avoid (doctrine, WT history, personal experiences, etc.). Remember, you're in control. You can stop corresponding at any time if you choose to do so.
You access PMs by clicking on the envelope in the upper right corner of the screen. If you get an error message, click it again.
Why not give it a try? Find the poster you'd most like to talk with and reach out for help or friendship.
I'm willing to talk with you if you'd like. I promise not to berate you or try to get you to join some other religious organization.