The JW's dependence on WT literature.

by Knowsnothing 93 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • RagingBull

    After READING THAT WATCHTOWER I feel as though I know the Bible a bit better! LOL

    I've actually raised questions (long ago) about some things (contridictions) in the Bible...and the brother I was speaking with gave me a sheet....on it, was a list of 5 WATCHTOWER and AWAKE articles. He gave me no scriptures. Guess he figured I'd find my answers in the articles and should use the scriptures sited there-in.

    Love it when they encourage the READING OF 1 or 2 Scriptures THEN getting into (the most important part of FS) the magazines. That way you can LOOK AS IF you're all about the Bible. I should leave a stack of them at the door of some LOCAL CHURCHES! LOL

  • godrulz

    JWs are absolutely guilty of reading the Bible through the eyes of the WT and not vice versa. They are without excuse for trusting the musings of men over the illumination of the Holy Spirit (whom they reject). They are not trained to be exegetes with hermeneutical principles, just receptacles for WT indoctrination through literature study. This is why they have uniformity like McDonald's, not biblical unity and doctrinal disputes like we see in the early church. Uniformity comes at the expense of freedom and being able to correct error. The whole group ends up in error, whereas a local church emphasis with godly leaders/teachers will keep it from going viral (at the expense of every Christian on the planet being clones). An authoritarian organization that is fallible is cultic and not the way to go (despite their boasting of superiority). It also does not help that they have a terrible sectarian version (NWT) instead of an accurate translation. The odds are stacked against JWs from knowing the truth that sets free (yet they are without excuse for allowing NY to be a mediator instead of Vatican (same thing) or Jesus/right answer).

  • Quendi

    If you listen carefully as the literature is read or comments made at meetings, WTS publications and the Bible are almost always mentioned in the same breath. The implication is clear: the two are of equal weight. When a person has questions, he may be directed to the Bible, but almost always he will be told to do research in "Christian" or "Bible-based" publications for the answers.

    When I was a boy growing up in the Roman Catholic Church, I was told that while the Bible was certainly of divine origin and the source of Christian teaching, I should not be so bold as to read it on my own with the expectation of gaining a full understanding of our Creator. No, that was what the priests and other clergy were for. I should consult them if I had serious questions about my faith.

    In the past, not all Witnesses were so dependent on WTS literature, especially when it came to their door-to-door preaching. One example of this was in the former Yugoslavia under the rule of Josip Tito. Even though Yugoslavia was a communist country run by Tito's dictatorship, he allowed Witnesses a great deal of freedom. They could travel abroad to district conventions in Italy and Austria. They could preach from house to house. Tito, however, imposed this one condition on the preaching work: no WTS literature of any kind could be offered or displayed. The only book a Witness could use in the field service was the Bible itself. I thought that was very interesting.

    When I pioneered, I didn't use the literature that much in the field service. I preferred talking about the Bible and engaging householders in real conversations. As a consequence, I never had that many Bible studies, but I really did enjoy the preaching work. The meetings were another matter, however. I studied the publications very hard and usually was well prepared and could make good comments. I think that was because, like so many Witnesses, I implicitly trusted the Governing Body and the literature they issued. I never thought they would lie, distort, or whitewash anything, that what was in the publications was reliable and trustworthy. So linking the publications and the Bible together was a logical thing in my mind and I had no trouble with such linkage...then.

    It was only when I began reading the Bible on my own and associating with an elder who had learned many exciting things from his own reading that I began to realize that I had been hoodwinked. That was when I saw how WTS literature distorted other people's words and meanings, how it selectively quoted from its sources to make them seem to support its viewpoints, and how, in some cases, it outright lied to its readers. Since I left, I retained very few of the WTS publications I once proudly owned. The rest I consigned to the trash--where they belong.


  • AuntBee

    This really struck me when i was looking at the Advance Medical Directive, espeically the preface "Points to Consider When Completing the Advance Medical Directive"

    "When making your personal decision on minor fractions of blood, please read and consider the Bibilcal principles in the June 15, 2004 issue of the Watchtower, p. 22-24 and 29-31. Then, following the guidance of your Bible-trained conscience, initial on your Advance Medical Directive any of the following that apply: "

    It's so easy! Read these WT pages, and then you a "Bible-trained" conscience on this serious matter! I guess they couldn't suggest reading an actual Bible passage on acceptable blood fractions..... for obvious reasons.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    The historical facts, not generally know to the public at large, blended with WT dogma convinced me as a kid. I never thought about it but WT is considered better than the Bible. Did not Rutherford say in open court that reading Witness lit was much preferred over actually reading the Bible?

  • godrulz

    They also said that laying aside WT lit will cause one to revert back to the ideas in commentaries of Christendom. So, read the Bible and become a Christian. Read the Bible through the eyes of WT and become an unbiblical JW.

    Catholics elevate tradition/popery on par with Scripture. JWs elevate the popery of the GB and WT traditions (as fickle as they are) on par with Scripture. The most odious thing is that a JW must believe a false teaching at risk of DF until WT catches up. A true Christian rejects false teaching and embraces sound doctrine regardless of what a man or church or organization says. It is not an excuse to let a cult think for you.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    AUNTBEE - was just thinking about this today. I would like to find an individual who in their independent reading of the bible finds any prohibition of blood transfusions, let alone all the nonsense about fractions, etc....

    I remember the elders school where they went over the 'newest light' about fractions, and how we were supposed to 'help' the publishers make the right choice by directing them to certain WT articles.....

    ...and what if the publishers had questions regarding fractions? Immediately direct them to said WT article. That's it. Do not try to reason with them. BECAUSE THE WHOLE DAMN THING DOES NOT MAKE A LICK OF SENSE!!!!

  • godrulz

    When a JW offers a Bible study, they pull a bait and switch and it ends up being a WT book study primarily. Why can't they see this problem? There is nothing wrong with using a tool like a commentary, but only if it is biblical, not cultic.

  • AwareBeing

    Today theres a wide range of commentaries, out side of mainstream Christendom.

    Several Bible Societies, Christian Book Publishers, and Theological Schools provide;

    commentaries, Bibles, Bible Dictionaries, Bible Encyclopedias, Historical and Archaeological

    Books that shed light more clearly than the powerful religious persuasions including WTBTS!

  • AuntBee

    I once offered some JWs out inservice a FREE Wt-FREE Bible study. They seemed quite startled, and looked at me like i was nuts.

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