
by breakfast of champions 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Oh gosh, I could be opening up a can of worms with this one, but.. What the hell!

    It seems to me that there is a disproportionate amount of JWs who are involved in Kinesiology or HK (health kinesiology)

    I mean, if I asked the average guy or gal where I worked if putting a crystal on your bellybutton, moving your arm up and down and charging $100 to cure your ills made any sense they would say, HELL NO!

    But there are SO MANY witnesses caught up in this pseudo-medical nonsense.

    Could it possibly be that the belief system that allows for all of the gobbledegook the society feeds them also allows for a world where magnets, invisible fields, crystals and moving your arm up and down while asking silly questions enables belief in all of this crap?

  • Knowsnothing

    Well, remember that the placebo effect can be very powerful. The mind's ability to regenerate the body is enormous.

  • bafh

    I've had kinesiology, it worked for me. In my research, it is very similar to acupuncture, acupressure and other types of eastern medicine. All of those methods work with a body's energy in a way that Western medicine doesn't address. I actually had the opposite thought, most of the JWs I know would think it is demonic, so I never mentioned it unless someone else did first. And even then, depending on the crowd I was in, rarely admitted having it done.

  • sinis

    That (the mind), and do we really know anything about the body? Western medicine is based on curing the symptoms, not the cause. Eastern medicine is different... humans are basically walking batteries with magnetic fields.

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    BOC - I think it can be beneficial to use some alternative/eastern healing options along with western medicine. I don't buy into every alternative therapy option but I've had two ailments clear up during acupuncture treatments. I know lots of JWs who regularly visit the kinesiologist and swear by it.

    I think what's strange about it is how much they condemn many alternative lifestyles and viewpoints and then make use of alternative therapies.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    KNOWSNOTHING - I definitely agree that the placebo effect is very powerful, and I believe that is what is at work here.

    BAFH - I am glad it did work for you, and yes, it seems there is a split between JWs who think it is an effective treatment and those who think it is spiritistic.

    SINIS - I have no doubt that 'western medicine' is seriously flawed, an that there are many electromagnetic forces at work in our bodies, I just think the Health Kinesiology approach is at best a placebo effect.

    Hell, in the end, whatever makes you feel good works for me. I just found it odd how many witnesses are into it.

  • Knowsnothing

    I used Homeopathic remedies when I was growing up. I went to a sister's house, and she would place a pill on my lap and try to pry my fingers apart.

    When I first heard of this, I was creeped out and thought it was spiritistic. Once I tryed it, it was soo cool that just placing any substance on my lap would have the effect of weakening my grip if it was noxious to me.

    She also did iridology on me, and found things that I had not spoken to her about previously.

    So long as you are balanced about medicine and remedies, it doesn't hurt to try anything.

    Acupuncture is cool too.

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    I saw an iridologist as well. Isn't it weird how they tell you what's bothering you? I was freaking out and was like, "uh yeah my left knee has been hurting for a while now, how did you know that?" ... lol

    Iridology is way cool. The body is a whole unit and it's amazing how it speaks if we just know how to listen.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    KNOWSNOTHING - so here's where I'm coming from personally...

    Got seriously ill, went to a homeopathic 'doctor' (a witness).... It did NOTHING.

    Went to several Health Kinesiology persons(witnesses).... It did NOTHING.

    Went to MANY conventional doctors - nothing helped....

    Until I went to NYC to a doctor at a major teaching hospital who LISTENED TO ME.

    After ONE VISIT the doctor prescribed me a medication that CHANGED MY LIFE!

    Et voila!

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    KNOWSNOTHING - so here's where I'm coming from personally...

    Got seriously ill, went to a homeopathic 'doctor' (a witness).... It did NOTHING.

    Went to several Health Kinesiology persons(witnesses).... It did NOTHING.

    Went to MANY conventional doctors - nothing helped....

    Until I went to NYC to a doctor at a major teaching hospital who LISTENED TO ME.

    After ONE VISIT the doctor prescribed me a medication that CHANGED MY LIFE!

    Et voila!

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