WTBTS NGO & UN set up?

by D8TA 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • D8TA

    After listening/reading to Psycho...er, um, ehhh...Ciro's blah blah blah.....something clicked in my head.

    I'll be upfront and admit that these questions may be "reaching" for something. But, considering a possibility, had the WTBTS intentionally joined the U.N. as an NGO, to provoke a anti-JW stance from the U.N.?

    Consider the questions that are floating in my skull.

    Why would an organization who is publicly critical of the U.N., with it's propaganda aimed negatively at the U.N., join the U.N. in the first place? Knowing full well, that's it's negative campaign against the U.N. would provoke a negative reaction from the U.N.?

    Could the GB of the WTBTS be setting this up upon themselves, so that they may come out to thier "flock" and say: "See? Didn't we say the U.N. would go against us"? Thus proving a point of the World vs. JW's doctrine? (thus again, proving their human intervention vs. divine intervention).

    I have yet come across anything that the WTBTS has issued to explain any involvement with the U.N. Other then what I've read in the Guardian about the library card excuse. Great number of their followers dont even know about the NGO situation. I dont have any "facts" to provide, in situations involving members who've come across the NGO involvement. Does anyone have any "cold hard" evidence that members of JW's who've inquired the NGO involvement, and have been PA'd or DF'd...or told to keep "silent"? This may be of valuable research, if done correctly.

    Consider all you X-JW's the impact upon the current member JW's...of one small, tiny criticism coming from the U.N. about the WTBTS. They would blow it so out of whack for their purpose, dressing it up as the end-all-be-all of their religion. Consider the moderate power they currently have over congregations, this would intensify their power to stellar levels. And how? By a clever and decietful setup.

    Then again, I could be reading in to something that's not there. But as a student in my current field, one has to question multiple possibilities. I'd be interested in your opinions.

    (ps. I have this dark secret fault I'd like to share....the word: Their. I tend to spell it Thier sometimes...so forgive me. Heh heh.)

    ~ A day no season would claim ~

  • ashitaka

    I don't think it was a great conspiracy, just a dumb mistake, an arrogant explanation, and a whopping lie for financial and governmental benefits. Those are enough for me to despise the Watchtower political/social/legal machine.


  • lurk

    there was no financial gain only the use of the library.ask the un and it wasnt the un who revealed this ngo thing it was xJWS

  • ashitaka

    "it wasnt the un who revealed this ngo thing it was xJWS"

    Then I guess us worthless apostates are good for something; at least the truth.

    As for financial benefits, how about those UN flights I read about.....

    Of course, I could always be wrong....


  • jerome

    its true that the vast majority of jws dont know about the un thing

    but i havent exactly found out the excuse the rank and file have

    gotten for it and how hushy hushy it is.

    i will get back to you as soon as posible on if they actually use the
    libary card thing as an excuse or if they use the not knowing the

    criteria of becoming a member excuse.

    this theroy you have is worth looking into

    i never thought about it that way


    let me add something to it

    what it is a diversion from something even more serious!

    what if our eyes are focused on this and they have done something far
    more incrimating.


    just a thought.

    the bible is a two edged sword
    yeild it the wrong way and it you WILL cut yourself!

  • lurk

    lost to be read some truth in it not all

  • RedhorseWoman

    Considering the fact that the WTBTS had been an NGO for ten years and left only because they were caught, I would doubt that they would have intended this as a setup for an end-times scenario.

    I don't know the actual purpose of their joining the UN, since the libary card thing is blatantly false, but I would surmise that their joining would be to get the backing of the UN Commission on Human Rights for their own expansion efforts in various countries.

  • lurk

    doesn't sound like proof sounds more like predjudice

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    I think you have a point here. We know that the WT has demonized the UN so why would the rank and file dub believe what the UN says? I can see it now the Watchtower coming out saying it was all a lie made up by the "Satan’s" the father of the lie's organization. You can then show them all the proof you have and the average dub won't believe you because it’s all a lie. You will be arguing with them in circles with this one.


    "I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man's reasoning powers are not above the monkey's."
    Mark Twain

  • GermanXJW

    Here are some information from Germany. As you know JW and XJW (!) collected adresses of elders and KH and send a letter exposing the UN/WT-Connection.

    The letters now have been mentioned by a member of the BC-Member at the KMS. He said the GB has written a very nice letter and they believe them.

    At the KMS in Munich an Elder left some letters at the WC. A CO shouted "The enemies are in our midst."

    Recently, all Elders have received a letter about it. I have not seen it yet but is has been said that there is nothing new in it. I think it will be available online soon.

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