minus the JW stuff
Have you ever done some volunteer work for your community? What did you do?
by Iamallcool 22 Replies latest jw friends
30 years out
I have done volunteer work with our local hospice group. I found it very fulfilling, but difficult to remain detached enough to maintain objectivity. JW's don't place any value on volunteer work that is not directly under their control.
I highly recommend getting involved in the causes which inspire you.
I volunteer at an animal shelter. I just love the dogs and cats and get too attached. But,it's a joy.
Work as a first responder in emergencies, run a school board which I still do.
Once, the judge ordered me to pick up some garbage
LOL @ Quarter.
I volunteered at an elementary school.
Kids are wonderful creatures.
I do with Surfrider Foundation www.surfrider.org
San Clemente Green runs sustainable community gardens that residents can harvest from.
MAMA's Kitchen and Fallbrook Foodbank
Served on Planning commission for several months.
Lady Lee
- worked at a substance abuse retreat lecturing on issues surrounding recovery from addictions
- took on clients who were incest survivors and needed counseling for free
- set up a non-profit organization that gave information and individual and group counseling for incest survivors
- gave lectures to women in shelters regarding incest and th eneed to deal with those issues and how they can lead a person to find an abuser for a spouse
- lectureed to students in social services,and nursing re incest
- lectured to students in high school about cults
- lecturered to university students in Group Management and Medical students at McGill Universtity about cults
- was a guest speaker on radio and TV about incest as well as interviewed in the press (both journals and newspapers) re incest
- guest seaker for showings of the film To a Safer Place about incest. Showings were held in theatres filled with incest survivors and therapists
- guest speaker to group of doctors who wanted more info about the long term effects of incest on their patients
- guest speaker to workers at the sexual assault center in Montreal
- moderate this forum
- write daily Dear Lee column for www.freeminds.org re cults
- volunteered to make video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sce8gBJKQq4 re JWs and mind control
- also recently interviewed by local media students for video on cults
As you can see there are definite patterns there but I have done a few other things
- knit baby blankets for the local hospital
- volunttered to local second hand store that sells used goods to raise money for various charities - I have offered to repair broken jewelry that needs minor repairs so they can sell it instead of throwing them away or putting them in grab bags with plastic beads
There is probably more but can't think of them all
I am a strong believer in volunteerism. It is a way to give back and for me to educate and offer support and information to those who need it the most - victims of any kind of abuse
Helping others on JWN find out that they're not alone and allowing them a safe place to express their questions, fears, and doubts is a great type of volunteerism.