Another ex-Dub was talking to me about nutrition and healthy lifestyle, natural remedies, etc. I've been getting into it.
I came across Dr. Fuhrman. He's an authority (Board Certified family physician). His stick is that American's disease (heart, diabetes, cancer, autoimmune, etc) is caused from a micronutrient poor diet. He's for less processed foods and for MUCH, MUCH more whole, natural foods. Did you know that Americans eat 65% of their diet from processed foods and only about 5% of their diet comes from non-white potato fruits and veggies?
He's into fruits, veggies, salads, soups, nuts, whole grains, oatmeal, and seeds as the main component of a healthy diet. He's for limiting meats (to no more then 4 ounces a day - using buffalo, sirloin, chicken, clean fish), eliminating processed meats all together, salts, diary (limited or switched to soy, almond, hemp, derived milks), and sparing on the oils (a processed food). He's into desserts - but home made pies using a nut based crust, ice cream made with an veggie milk, etc. So far, his foods are gourmet!
He backs it all up with scientific data from the World Health Organization and Nutrition type articles. He claims to have many patients that have reversed diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, hardened arteries...and a small handlful that he's helped cure cancer (mushrooms and onions, in particular, prevent new blood vessels and tumor formation).
I've been following this diet style for 10 days. I am not hungry. I like what I am eating. In fact, I enjoy it. I've lost about 3 pounds.
For breakfast, I had a fruit salad of canteloupe, melon, berries, and papaya with oatmeal and coffee. For lunch, I ate a salad with arugula, spinich, watercress, carrots, peppers, sweat peas, almonds, sunflower seeds, and a whole grain toasted pita
Anyway, I'm so into it...that
1) I have the need to TELL everyone about it.
2) I am going to eat some meat - as I'm getting "scared" of the black world of meats...especially hot dogs. Skeeter used to eat hot dogs - especially on July 4th.
I keep saying to the back of mind that "some cults are good" and that this is really a healthier lifestyle. But, is a "nutritarian" a cullt? Am I programmed to turn this into my new cult? I can feel me developing a "black and white" mentality between greens and doughnuts. I can feel the "cult alarms" going off.
The good thing is that I recognize the signs of cult. I hope I don't let it go that far. I think I'll go to Dunkin Doughnuts and smell the sugar.