Inactive (i.e. not reporting) witnesses won't survive armageddon

by Mickey mouse 49 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • godrulz

    How is endless door knocking comparable to Christ dying for me without me doing anything to receive its benefits?

    I am just agreeing with some of you ex-JWs against the WT (re: time card vs character). As well, there are some of you here who still don't understand grace vs works.

  • skeeter1

    More hours = more magazines bought = more converts = more money = PUBLISHING CULT!

    Cults use scare tactics and fear as a means of motivating the masses to do the cults business. The END has never been closer....

  • MrMonroe

    During his visit to the congregation, the circuit overseer actually made the remark that the measure of a person's Christianity could be determined by an examination of his publisher's record card!

    Some years ago I spoke privately to a new PO appointed to our rather troubled congregation and expressed my real concern about a sister who had been physically and mentally done over by her alcoholic, abusive husband who was trying to intimidate her by stalking her and bugging her phone calls. She wanted to leave him; he was playing a very clever game of trying to do a big comeback by studying again, thus getting everyone to "encourage" him and take his side so she wouldn't walk out. She was a wreck of a woman, a walking skeleton and bent over by the pressure of her dreadful family life.

    That elder told me: "I've looked at her records and I can tell you her field service hasn't changed in the past year. That tells me she is not suffering spiritually at all."

    That was the first time I'd realised just how much those idiot elders judged the "spirituality" of members of the congregation by a number they wrote on a piece of paper. Soon after I began observing how many immature, obsequious and brainless young men were being identified as "Christian elders" because of the number they wrote on their piece of paper.

  • godrulz

    The biblical qualifications of an elder are a far cry from this idiocy.

  • cantleave

    Godrulz you know f-all about JW's why don't kust leave here and go persecute some other board with you god myth and sick cult.

  • steve2

    Godrulz - your comments endlessly imply that posters haven't considered the Biblical perspective. And you wonder why ex-JWs on this site find you extremely annoying. A timely verse and comment can really do wonders for extending a discussion - by contrast, your drip, drip, drip quoting of scripture is redundant and unhelpful.

  • WTWizard

    A timely scripture--Ephesians 2:8 and 9 suggests that salvation is not something we are supposed to be working toward by endlessly turning in field circus slips. And, even if you take out the fake slips as "liars", one simply should not have to endlessly go out in field circus and do a work that never even comes closer to completion. In the 15 or so years I have been out in field circus at least part of the time, I never saw even one section of a street being scratched off the list because of completion.

  • AllTimeJeff

    godrulz, some comments here make a good point. You don't know what you are talking about with former JW's when it comes to something like reporting time. The few people I talk to about my JW past just look at me cross eyed when I talk about "reporting your time".

    With all respect, this topic is about something you don't understand. So shut up.

  • tenyearsafter

    Godrulz...I appreciate you are trying to express your opinion and "defend" your faith, but you do so with a double standard. You feel completely qualified to comment on and criticize all things JW, while on a previous thread criticizing Pentecostals, you took umbrage at the thought of "non-qualified" people commenting on those beliefs and practices. I would think you could see how the many ex-JW's on this board would feel you are being a bit of an interloper when you speak to practices you have little or no experience with or exposure to. I am a Bible believing person, but I feel that you cannot be credible if you speak as an authority on every subject. If you want to be a true defender of the faith, you need to do so without alienating the listener of your message. Going negative rarely opens minds to what message you are delivering.


  • chickpea

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