I know from my own experience that I would be a total F**k up, I would have taken the entire family into the Borg, after my guilt after leaving this several years ago I am totally grateful to her for the rejection of my previous beliefs, I would have subjected the children to all the self esteem eroding ideas of a few old men in the governing body!
I think I'm probably now a Humanist, with respect for the here and now and trying to cope with the idea that people don't live forever as I see it in my weekend job of working in a nursing home, and feeling utter disgust at the Governing bodies ideas at immortality which were totally wrong!
I think it was Robin Williams that said if women were in control there would be no wars but intense negotiations every thirty days, lol
However, I do find that working in a predominantly female industry that women as very hostile to one another, just a thought!
Best Regards,
Star Tiger