Interesting posts so far...
The point I was trying to make with this thread was that we really can't be free of the bOrg until we stop using their vocabulary. Theirs is the language of slavery and I refuse to speak it anymore!
Now I'll respond to some of the more sincere posts here:
I forgot about the term excommunication in my OP. It really is the proper technical term. It's quite vile nonetheless...
@Mad Sweeney:
Yes, I acknowledge that many people here DO use the term APOSTATE as a badge of honour but it's not my cup of tea. It's THEIR word to define and stigmatize us. I refuse to bow to them...
I feel bad for you that the memories are still so fresh. And yes, the change of language is important to freeing ourselves mentally. For better or worse, I have a memory like an elephant and there are just some things I'll never forget, even if I wanted to...
@GL Tirebiter:
Yes, that vile practice of DF IS used as emotional blackmail. I will not bow to it...
I couldn't agree with you more. That quote you posted is quite profound. Cults will try to twist language in accordance to their will...
It's wonderful that you were standing up to the vile discrimination and hatred of mankind that the GB fosters even back then. I'm glad that you're free now...
It bears worth repeating: JWs and other cults use different vocabulary to set themselves apart and cut the "flock" off from the rest of the world. BLECH!
@breakfast of champions:
I agree that a marriage should be a partnership. Cults twist almost anything good in life to their self aggrandizing ideals. Headship Principle/Submission = Misogyny
Experience: Way different usage than is common in non JW circles. Better to use the word Reenactment...
I'm thinking the better word to use is Fabrication.
LOL! I guess that you got me there. The veracity of any of those "experiences" given on stage is questionable at best...
I wish that I had never believed they were friends at all. They really aren't...
@agent zero:
Even the thought of calling it "The Truth" makes me gag. So much about the JW religion is arbitrary, isn't it?